
Burchuss (himself)

Burchuss is a small orange animal known as a fiddygibber. Fiddygibbers – or fiddies – are almost impervious to any harm, just like Hukkas, Buhs, and many other races in Jump Cut City. Burchuss speaks in fiddy-ese, a language consisting of only one sound (quite possibly one word). That sound is uah, uah, uah, and is a dead UAH!giveaway that Burchuss is lurking around the next corner. It was once said that the average fiddygibber will mate approximately 32.5 billion times. Lucky little furry bastards.

Embarassingly enough, one – and in some cases the only – thing that lots of people remember from JCC is Burchuss. We went through elaborate scriptwriting and editing processes, time-consuming setups and truly embarassing acting… and everyone just remembered Burchuss.

The killer orange furry fury is an interesting multi-purpose character. So there have to be some limitations to his use, lest we give the show, in its entirety, over to Burchuss. Everyone loves Burchuss, so we have to distribute him sparingly in any given episode, so as not to overdose on that wonderful fiddygibber.