Addressing an important issue

I’m putting this in my blog, since it may be marginally easier than sending out 150 e-mails. Due to some persistent problems we’ve been having with keeping our mailbox at the house intact, we’ve decided to open a new P.O. box. Also, since I rarely make it into Fort Smith anymore, we’ll be closing down the P.O. box there, which is the address most of my friends from the internets know me by. Effective rightaboutnowish, any and all mail should be sent to the new P.O. box we’ve opened much closer to home. Anyone who needs to know what that address is can find it here, he said evasively.

That’s all for now. I’m effectively brain-dead from the constant “charge the battery for 2 hours and then start over” of baby-watchin’. There’s gotta be some better way to manage my fatigue, but for the life of me I don’t know what it could be. Everyone do me a favor – if your mom stayed home from work and made caring for baby you her full time job, or if your dad did it, call them and thank them, and give ’em a big hug next time you see them. For they are superhuman. My problem right now is: I’m not. :-/

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