Powerful Intro

[kml_flashembed movie=”https://www.thelogbook.com/earl/hizzouse/video/dalekpow.swf” height=”360″ width=”480″ quality=”high” /]
A 45-minute quickie intro (as in 45 minutes to make it, only a couple of minutes to sit and watch it!) I made for my personal DVD of the Loose Cannon reconstruction of the missing Doctor Who story Power Of The Daleks. Oopsie: the intro says “let” when it should say “led”. I was rather proud of this little number. I chronicled the making of the “every title sequence ever” open here, and the DVD itself uses my homebrew DVD menu, chronicled here. Pretty neat, all told.

Obviously, the footage is copyright by the BBC, and the music’s by Martin Slavin and Murray Gold. The recap covers bits of parts 1, 2 and 4 of The Tenth Planet by Gerry Davis & Kit Pedler.

The slightly stilted language on the disclaimer/explanation screen is carefully chosen to avoid any words that are spelled differently in the U.S. and the U.K.; sure, if I go using British spellings, it’s authentic, but it’s also kinda pretentiously fake.

Comments? Complaints? Cease & desists? I’ll tell you where you can put ’em: put ’em on this post’s comments.