DWxxM rough preview 2

[kml_flashembed movie=”https://www.thelogbook.com/earl/hizzouse/video/bodypart.swf” height=”300″ width=”400″ quality=”autohigh” /]
A rough edit (still needs major audio editing/EQ work) of a completely new portion of the (very very revised) “Regeneration” portion of my every-episode-of-Doctor-Who mashup project. One of my goals in the ground-up re-edit of the project was to introduce a good deal more humor into the proceedings; I mean, it’s such an inherently fun and funny show. Sometimes when it does get its head up its own arse for being too serious, it’s doubly funny. So I thought a segment showing the Doctor getting used to his own new face(s) and picking out his outfits was a good place for some fun.

Even though part 1 of Power Of The Daleks is as missing as the rest of it, I decided I was going to damn well piece together what I could for the first post-regeneration scenes (including the weird bit with the mirror, which was actually in the show!). Also, see if you can spot the scene that doesn’t come from an episode of Doctor Who.