Television & Movies Write, Write, You Bloody Well Write

Brain jumble

WASSUP!Hello blog, nice to see ya, it’s been a long time, you’re just as lovely as you used to be…

Well, okay, it’s been maybe all of three days, but that’s a three-day break in my effort to blog every day, which I’d been managing to do somewhat successfully since mid-April or so. Now, I’m not sure that every post could lay claim to being something substantive and worth tuning in for (good grief, did I just say “tuning in”?), but it was sort of a discipline thing: making damn sure I wrote something every day. And I did… for about two months.

Frankly, I’m still a little bit brain-lagged from OVGE, which sounds kind of improbable, but I haven’t been sitting idle. I took 15 copies of VWORP!1 to OVGE and came back with 11. Not too bad since it was anything but a sci-fi convention (though the gigantic display of Star Trek games and the table full of mouth-wateringly rare Firefly memorabilia helped to blur the line a bit). So I had a moment of crazy and thought: hey, what if Tulsa Trek Expo isn’t the only sci-fi convention I could hit with this book? A visit to a really handy site called the Southern Fandom Resource Guide revealed that there were two sci-fi conventions, in August, practically in my back yard.

As a result, I can safely announce that there’ll be a table for at GlitchCon 2012 in Bentonville, Arkansas, August 3rd, 4th and 5th – the first showing at a sci-fi convention for the site or its owner. (I know that sounds terribly unlikely, but it’s true: I’ve never been to a sci-fi or general-geek-audience convention. You’d think I would’ve been all over this sort of thing, but I’ve never been to one. It’s almost a pity that I’ll be stuck behind the table for the whole thing.) Since it’s kind of an all-interests geek gathering – bliss! – I’ll have both VWORP!1 and the Phosphor Dot Fossils DVDs, since I’ll be dealing with a whole new audience. I’m just a little bit excited about it.

There’s another convention two weeks later in Fort Smith that I’m less sure about – the lack of response I’ve gotten from them is a little too eerily reminiscent of my experience with the Trek convention in Tulsa. It seems a bit silly to miss a convention in the town where I grew up, but much like Tulsa, I can’t procure a table if they won’t even talk to me.

Other things worth a mention…

HHGHitchhiker’s Guide: The Live Radio Show. I can’t figure out if this is an awesome idea or ghoulishly exploitative. Honestly, I’m coming down on the “awesome” side of the fence, simply because the returning original cast members all seem to have a long-standing love of the material, and I’ve never once heard any of them complain about how the Hitchhiker’s Guide association was going to lead to typecasting. If anything, Simon Jones has spent so much of his career in a bathrobe (sorry, Brits: dressing gown) that he seems to relish it almost too much. I also don’t begrudge the Adams estate for finding new ways to repurpose and cash in, not one bit. I have yet to see any of the posthumous projects damage the story or Adams’ legacy*, so… when’s the American leg of this tour?

Days of Thunder. It’s bad enough going up against Miami, but going up against Miami and the refs? Sorry, OKC. Give it another shot next year. Getting into the finals is nothing to sneeze at.

Slim notsogoodbody. Obi is going to the vet today. He’s recently been losing weight, muscle tone and hair – the doofus cat is many things, but he should not be going bald, that’s my job. Thyroid issue? Food allergy? Parasite? Finally became too stupid to remember to eat? Whatever it is, I hope the big dumb cat errs on the side of cheap maladies. We need him around, but I’m worried that an expensive vet bill could be the other shoe that tap dances on our heads.

I’ll try to get back to routine blogging, but as you can see, I’ve had my hands just a little bit full.

* any more than “Mostly Harmless” already did.… Read more

Gaming Write, Write, You Bloody Well Write

It’s almost OVGE time

NOT THE MIND PROBEA great big box of books landed on my doorstep with a resounding thud today, which is pretty much the last step in getting ready for OVGE this Saturday. I think that may actually set a new record for me: I’m finished figuring out what to bring a week out, rather than freaking out the night before. (There have been a couple of years where my theme was decided, and signage and other graphical aids designed and printed to match, literally the night before.) Of course, now the trick is to not spend the next few days second-guessing myself. … Read more

Write, Write, You Bloody Well Write

And the halftime score is…

VWORP!1…one copy bought in the UK, and one copy bought at an unspecified location in Europe. 😆 That’s kinda funny, but here’s the catch: I haven’t really gotten started on promoting the thing heavily to the fan sites yet (that’s my weekend project). These people just found it.

Now here’s a positively surreal sight that I can barely get my head around. … Read more

Write, Write, You Bloody Well Write

Identify yourshelf!… and win a signed copy of VWORP!1

For the “about the author” photo in the back of VWORP!1, I constructed a “set” using plastic shipping crates that a local store’s been getting rid of fairly cheaply; they’re awfully handy things to have around. For lightweight items, they actually make pretty nice shelving. I threw a few knick-knacks from my vast knick-knack collection in there, set them up next to a window where I already have marquees from old arcade games set up, and boom, it looks like I live in a warehouse full of geek-a-licious relics. Which, of course, I do.

Identify yourshelf!Read more

Write, Write, You Bloody Well Write

Now available…

…and you can order it here.

Me and Dinsdale and VWORP!1

This has been a long process, to say the least. I set out to write this book in 2008, and quickly discovered that it wouldn’t be as easy as “putting the web site on paper.” Nor should it have been – that would’ve been incalculably lazy. What resulted was something far better than that, something that took a hell of a lot more work than that, something that looks pretty decent as an actual book, and something that hopefully everyone will like reading and referring to as much as I liked putting it together.

WARP!1 is coming along nicely; I did a little bit of work on it this morning. There’s no time to pause and reflect. This is merely the next step on the road.… Read more

Write, Write, You Bloody Well Write

Full coverage

I showed these off in Forums, might as well show them off here (even if they’re still works-in-progress – VWORP!1 and WARP!1 will both almost certainly undergo further tweaks, if not from-the-ground-up reshoots*).

Book covers

As silly as it is to have covers done before there are finished books to go in ’em, it’s kind of a motivational thing for me. And maybe to anyone out there who’d wanna buy ’em.

I promised a downloadable PDF file of excerpts from each of these, plus the also-in-the-works Phosphor Dot Fossils book (let’s call that PDF!1 just for laughs), at OVGE; I’ll see about getting that done soonish.

* they’re actually heavily-treated, composited miniature photography with nifty lighting and crap. My grandfather would either nod in approval or shake his head and tell me I’m doin’ it wrong. Or both.Read more