Critters Music


The sleepers awaken!

Taxi's kittens

All eyes are now open (when the little buggers aren’t sleeping peacefully through most of the day – it’s tough work being a rapidly-growing kitten…) and we’re walking around on little stubby kitten legs. One or two of them are already having to be nudged back into the box by Taxi… jumping is next. And then, of course, world domination.

Got most of the editing done today on the Atari software programmers’ panel for the Best of CGE ’05 DVD set. It’s a little bit on the epic side – very nearly a full hour and a half – but incredibly interesting, as a lot of questioning from the crowd focuses on the crash, the recovery, and what’s next. And these guys? They knew. Right on the money. It’s really interesting. It’s also interesting to see them talk at great length about the blessing and curse of licensed games, whether movie tie-ins or coin-ops. Let’s just say there weren’t anyone’s favorites from the game-making side of things. Best of CGE ’05 will debut simultaneously at OVGE in Tulsa and CCAG in Cleveland, and if you didn’t know already, you can pre-order any of the DVDs I produce for pickup at either show. (Just wanted to pimp that one more time.) I’m really looking forward to this year’s OVGE event – I like to spend my grown-up get-together time reminiscing about games I played in my childhood. 😆

Remember a few days ago when I pointed out a convergence of releases and/or potential releases by a bunch of my favorite musicians that may well signal the end of the world, or at least my ears exploding in sheer delight? Add one major surprise to that list: Jason Falkner‘s just released a new studio album, once again only on a Japanese label. Considering that his last album released in this manner has never seen the light of day on a domestic label, I might as well try to see if I can find 40 bucks in the couch cushions for this one…… Read more

Funny Stuff Music

A very forced music meme: my life according to John Williams’ Star Wars soundtracks!

Remember this goofy music meme?

“Using only song names from ONE ARTIST, cleverly answer these questions. Tag at least 15 people you like and include me. You can’t use the band I used. Try not to repeat a song title. It’s a lot harder than you think! Repost your own note as “My Life According to (Band Name)”.”

Well, let’s try it with nothing but track titles from John Williams’ Star Wars music! … Read more

Music Television & Movies

ZOMG hold me back.

Star Trek II Complete Score from Film Score MonthlyAfter 27 years, finally, the complete score, every note, of the soundtrack from Star Trek II – talk about a magic bullet that hits me right between my inner Trekkie and my inner soundtrack geek.

I’d try to get everyone to pitch in for a belated birthday gift, but nah…I gotta be sure I get this. If it’s only 3,000 copies like most of Film Score Monthly’s releases, it’ll be sold out tomorrow. ORDER PLACED. DELIVERY IN T MINUS 5.*

* very weak joke that you won’t get unless you’ve played as much Dune 2000 as I have, which is highly improbable at best.Read more


Free music! Note I didn’t say GOOD music, but…hey! Free music!

While I was working on PDF Level 2, there were a couple of places where I seriously thought about dredging up some of my much earlier musical creations – back from the pre-loop-driven days – to drop at least an excerpt in as needed, with the idea of seeing if anyone noticed that this obviously wasn’t something done with Music Generator. The problem, when I went to listen to the specific old piece of music I had in mind, was that any half-deaf dog-food-eating possum could tell the difference from tape hiss alone. I ditched the idea for the sake of getting the DVD out on time, but I still found myself wondering if it was possible to clean up my old recordings, a few of which are getting dangerously close to 20 years old (!!). After Evan went to bed tonight, I set about doing precisely that – or at least trying to.

The results still aren’t perfect; in a few places the “fix” actually ate the frequency response for dinner. In others, it worked freakin’ wonders. The amount of tape hiss to eliminate on any given piece was frightening. In most cases, even the noise reduction introduced its own problems, so I dropped a bit of reverb (and occasionally another effect or two) in to cover those problems. I played around with “Perseids” so much that it became a whole different animal. The results aren’t perfect, but they’re at least interesting enough that I thought I’d share ’em.

Anyway, without further doodoo, here are some free tracks for your amusement. They’re all instrumentals, though I’m not exactly an expert musician by any stretch – especially not on the guitar (before we were married, my wife once heard the guitar-oriented tracks and asked “Are you tone deaf!?” Maybe there’s something to that… 😆 ). For me, it’s always about getting the song out of my head and preserved in some other medium, just in case something horrible and/or biologically improbable happens to my head.

Enjoy! (The original unrestored tracks can be heard here for comparison purposes.)… Read more

Gadgetology Gaming Home Base Music Television & Movies ToyBox


No particular focus for tonight’s entry, so you’ll just have to keep up.

I guess we can do a Red Dwarf-style JCC reunion now. For months on Facebook, I’ve been looking for my friend Mark, with whom I hung out a great deal around the end of high school and a few years afterward; I remember he singlehandedly helped me move all of the heavy furniture into my Garrison Avenue apartment in late ’94 or so. He was also part of the surreal, please-tell-me-you-guys-were-high-when-you-did-this video experiment called Jump Cut City, a.k.a. JCC (a new and improved mini-site for which is horrendously overdue; until then, this’ll have to make do). About the time that I made the horrendous mistake of letting myself get bumped up to a salaried position at Fox 46 (translation: every moment of your life was now owned by the station), I dropped out of contact with a lot of people. Mark’s one of the ones I regret losing touch with the most, and tonight I was lamenting the fact that I couldn’t find him online anywhere.

My wife asked, “Have you tried the phone book?” And maybe this is a testament to the pathetically enormous amount of time I spent on the internets, but I had to admit that no, I hadn’t thought of that. Turns out she also knew him at around the same time – she was working at a comic book store that he frequented. She was eager to call him right then and there because, she reasoned, surely his head would explode at the very thought that two of the strangest people he’d ever known, two people he’d never really associated with each other, had gotten married and produced offspring who would carry our very strange genes forward.

So out of the blue we called him, and made his Saturday night more surreal. It’s been at least 15 years since I talked to him, and he sounded exactly the same. There’s much lost time to make up for, and I’m sure there are a lot of laugh-until-whatever-you’re-drinking-is-ejected-nasally moments ahead too, because there’s definitely a get-together in the works. But man, do I feel stupid – look in the phone book? Surely we have the technology to move beyond the phone book.

Slipped (mini)disc. For years, I’ve stubbornly stuck by my minidisc player instead of joining Generation iPod. Partly because it appeals to my curmudgeonly retro-tech side (Atari is to iPod as Odyssey2 is to minidisc), and partly because…well…it still works, why replace it? My wife and I have, between us, two Hi-MD players (which hold a gob of stuff on a single disc – for example, about two dozen full-length Doctor Who audios) and one NetMD player (which holds approx. 5 hours of stuff on a single disc). The great thing about these is that you can build up as many discs full of stuff as you like and swap them out on a whim: no “uh-oh, stop the world, I’ve gotta go back to the PC to put stuff on here.” Of course, there’s a lot of “upload stuff to the machine” time up-front, but before a lengthy two-way solo road trip to, say, a neighboring state’s capitol, that whole swapping-discs ability is awfully handy.

The weak link in the minidisc chain, however, is the software required to load stuff from your PC onto your MD: a horrific C++ monstrosity called SonicStage which crashes at the drop of a hat. Worse yet, when it gets into a “crashing spree,” there’s a better than even chance that it’ll corrupt the table of contents file on the disc and force you to start from scratch. I tend to leave some stuff on my music MD for months; as you delete and add things, the oldest items slide to the top of the TOC (hint: the top entries on my music MD’s TOC have involved members of the Finn family for many months). Having to rebuild the whole damned disc gets a wee bit old. I’m not a huge iTunes fan, but so help me, SonicStage may yet be the defining factor that gets me to become a Pod Person. I should be sitting up at one in the morning, thinking “Yay, it’s finally working!” and blogging while transferring months worth of tracks over to a freshly-formatted disc. Ugh.

And speaking of long drives through Oklahoma… …I’d say we now have an official “stay tuned” on the subject of OVGE (the major Tulsa-based video gaming convention) for later this year. I have no idea when or where or how big or how small, but all I have to say is…count me in. I’m already being asked if I want to exhibit at shows like CCAG and Video Game Summit this summer, and I’m going to go out on a limb and say that there’s no way I can make it in person. I’ll try to line up some way for the CGE DVDs and the old and new PDF DVDs to be there if there’s already an exhibitor I know and trust there, but the problem there is that I’m actually running a little tight on inventory – I have to make sure, in sending stuff out for non-local shows, that I’m not hindering my ability to fill online orders, and PDF Level 2 and the Brown Box have suddenly been moving fairly well thanks to mentions on a number of sites I hadn’t even sent the press release to! Maybe I shouldn’t be surprised – and maybe I shouldn’t admit to being surprised – but I had no idea that the project registered on that many people’s radars. I’m still quietly wondering if there’s not another application just waiting to happen with the same basic format as the PDF DVDs; what it could possibly be, I don’t know. I’m open to suggestions. In the meantime, I’m also open to the next OVGE show – no way am I missing it a second year in a row. OEGE energized me to get back into the swing of things for the first time in a year, and now I’m ready for a show where I don’t have nearly 20 years on the average attendee. 😆

Bea Arthur...IN SPACEGood night, but not goodbye. I’d be remiss if I didn’t include at least a passing mention of the passing of Bea Arthur (see what I did there? I didn’t actually mean to do that there, but…eh, let’s move on). Long before the Golden Girls, she was Maude. I probably first saw her on the Mary Tyler Moore Show as a wee lad, but I don’t remember it; the first thing I saw her in that left a mark – more of a painful welt, really – was in the utterly bizarre cantina “sketch” of the much-maligned, aired-only-once Star Wars Holiday Special. I generally don’t crap all over that legendary show the way most folks do – in fact, I have a soft spot for it just for its sheer surreal-ness – but man, the portion of that special that featured Ms. Arthur was off-the-scale awkward. Imagine, if you will, a musical number set in the Star Wars cantina, lamenting how sad it is that the bar is closing, in a family-viewing-hour special based on a movie that’s incredibly popular with kids. Add to that the “life under the Gestapo” underpinning of the whole scene (the bar is closing because of an Empire-imposed curfew), and poor Bea had the dubious honor of singing and dancing her way through an “oh my God, did they really just do that?” segment of a show that was already strange enough. But she was a trouper about it – and for that, my hat’s off to her. A true talent who, for her trouble, really should’ve been made into an action figure, because whatever she was paid for appearing in that special, it wasn’t enough. Hey, that reminds me…

Torchwoody. Maybe an unfortunate pun there, but for the Doctor Who-and-related toy collectors out there, popped a surprise announcement that they’re making a limited advanced run – 1,000 of each! – of the wave 2 Ianto and Captain John figures available now. They’re in different packaging than the “wide release” wave 2 figures will be, but the figures are actually the same. When released in June or July – painfully close to the San Diego Comic Con Doctor Who exclusives – the second wave of Torchwood figures will include Ianto, Captain John, Toshiko and the goofy business-suited Blowfish character (the one who stopped his sports car long enough to let an old lady cross the street in the first episode of season two; why this character was deemed more worthy of a figure than Owen, I can’t even begin to speculate).

OK, I warned you this blog post would be disjointed; I’m gonna bip it in the nuds now before it gets downright surreal.… Read more

...And Little E Makes 3 Critters Music


Brain drainAccording to my WordPress dashboard, this is the 1,000th blog entry I’ve made. That’s either very impressive, or I’m a very sad little man. Either way, I guess that’s as good an excuse as any for rambling on at great lenght about a bunch of stuff that nobody else is interested in – I mean, that’s the very heart of blogging, isn’t it? … Read more