Television & Movies Toiling In The Pixel Mines

Deep Space Nine and me

By the Prophets, has it really been 20 years? I remember it like it was yesterday – a contact of mine at a local TV station bringing me a fresh-off-the-satellite raw feed of the pilot episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine… just before New Year’s Eve, 1992. (Strange as it may sound, the episodes fed well in advance of the usually-over-the-weekend broadcast dates, to the tune of “at least a week”, so yes, I got to see the first episode of DS9 before 1993.) It was an awesome sight to behold. It was an intensely moving story, especially since I was 20 at the time and could relate to the sense of not-having-moved-on-from-something-really-bad-happening. It was a story that I needed to see; I suspect it was a story a lot of people needed to see. I was working in radio at the time (but was a few months away from transitioning to TV), so I was still a viewer (with inside info), although one of my last radio tasks was to interview Dennis McCarthy about the remixed version of the show’s theme. Deep Space Nine wasn’t my job yet.

Warning: if you’re not up for reading a lot of stuff about Star Trek, the local end of broadcasting syndicated shows, and inter-office warfare, you probably don’t want to go past the jump.

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Funny Stuff Home Base

Mansquito is BACK, and… boy, does he ever need just the right onion soup mix.

A friend of mine pointed this article out to me yesterday, and I cringed and laughed at the same time:

…you need to know about a new kind of shopper that’s on the rise and will be increasingly important in 2013 and beyond: the “mansumer.”

Created partly by the Great Recession, this new breed of male shoppers have become Chief Buying Officers for their households, and are now making the majority of household purchasing decisions…

…men left the workplace and took on traditionally female roles in the home. Although the job market is improving, many of these men have continued to have responsibility for shopping, child care and household activities–and many of them are embracing the change wholeheartedly.

Hooooboy… … Read more

Funny Stuff Gadgetology

The chat in the hat

I recently installed a LAN instant messenger program on our PCs at home. Once Little E is in bed, it’s typical for me to retreat to my room to try to squeeze a little more writing or copy editing out of my day. This way, my wife can sit in bed with her laptop, where she’ll often browse the web or watch something before bedtime, and can ask me questions like “Why haven’t you let the dogs back in?” And she gets helpful replies like… this.

(10:26:53 PM) Haven’t heard them at the door.
(10:29:17 PM) Haven’t seen them on the floor.
(10:29:28 PM) Haven’t smelled them, what’s the use?
(10:29:34 PM) Wow, I sound like Dr. Seuss!

😛… Read more

...And Little E Makes 3

If you think that’s bad, wait ’till you see the other guy

Little E

Little E had a run-in with the parking lot pavement today. Wait, this is sounding like a bad mafia flick. He faceplanted during physical therapy today. He’s trying to put a brave face on it and says it doesn’t hurt, but all I can see is that little face with boo boos on it. Poor little guy. No wonder he’s hiding behind Knuckles.… Read more

...And Little E Makes 3

Little Guy, Big Plans

About a week and a half before Christmas, I noticed that Little E had scribbled stuff all over his dry-erase door calendar – something on nearly every day. When I inspected it up close, I realized he’d written out a day-by-day plan for what kind of food he wanted to eat that day. Kinda OCD for a five-year-old, but then we had the idea… if behavior that day has been good, and chores have been done… why not?Read more