Funny Stuff Gadgetology

Pop-cultural anthropology

It's for youI was watching an older TV show (read that as: very standard-def) the other night, when an incredibly amusing thought occurred to me.

You know the old pop culture convention where someone makes a phone call on a land line, and someone else quietly listens on another phone on the same line, overhearing everything that’s said, thus introducing some complication to the plot?

Kids who have only ever known cell phones aren’t going to have even the slightest freaking clue as to what that‘s all about.Read more

Should We Talk About The Weather? Television & Movies

Get to shelter, this one is rated F-U!

TwisterActually, that bit of tornado terminology is outdated: it should be EF-U. Residents of Cloverfield need to hit the deck pronto. A bit of movie news on has me chuckling [LINK]…

Scribe Simon Beaufoy has rewritten New Line’s found-footage tornado project while Jeremy Sumpter has been cast alongside Arlen Escarpeta, Alycia Debnam-Carey and Nathan Kress.

Steven Quale — a longtime associate of James Cameron — signed on earlier this year to direct the tornado pic (formerly titled “Category Six”) […] Shooting will start July 23 in Michigan.

Story, presented through videocameras and cellphones, centers on high schoolers who try to survive a Category 6 tornado.

A “category six tornado”? Really? Really? Hollywood, you do realize, don’t you, that you permanently filled the “severe weather horror movie with shitty science” niche years ago with Twister? There’s really no need to try to top it.

Unless, of course, you don’t realize that “category” is a term exclusive to hurricane warnings and not tornado warnings. Then I guess it’s okay.


While you’re insulting everyone’s intelligence, please make sure to do the gala world premiere in Tuscaloosa or Joplin. That’ll go over well there.… Read more

Should We Talk About The Weather?

Give me some steam

An intersting and distinctly summer-ish southern sight…


…steam rising, no, billowing up from the recently-lightly-rained-upon road. It was thicker than the picture really makes it look. Zombie hordes could’ve walked out of it and I wouldn’t have been surprised. Well, okay, I wouldn’t have been any more surprised than I’d ususally be with the sudden appearance of zombie hordes. They normally only show up on odd-numbered Mondays.… Read more

Funny Stuff Gaming ToyBox

You’ve never seen a Dalek jump… until now

Showdown at... well... a new locationI think I’ve worked out enough kinks in my Diabolical Plan for an audience participation piece at my Glitchcon table in a few weeks to let you in on it.

First off, it’s all in keeping with the Doctor Who theme, since I’ll be at Glitchcon primarily to sell my lovely little (well… little… 3-pound, almost-400-page) Doctor Who book. Also, and I don’t think I’m spoiling this for anyone since the BBC has already beaten everyone over the head with it, the upcoming season premiere of Doctor Who will feature – for the first time in the new series – every make and model of original series (1963-1989) Dalek that ever menaced the Doctor. This plays with that notion too. … Read more


But… why Kickman?

KickmanIn a few days, provided that the daily downpours cease for a while (not that I’m complaining – aside from the fact that the lawn has risen, zombie-like, and begun to grow again, we really needed the rain here in northwest Arkansas), the highest bidder – well, only bidder – of my eBay auction to get rid of my Kick arcade game (generally better known as Kickman) will be here to retrieve his loot. I’m grateful to him; the proceeds go a long way toward my attempt to kick (ha!) this whole self-published-author gig into driving gear. It’s fair to say that me getting that off the ground is far more important than something the size of a fridge sitting around in my room, still needing a new cap kit, still being here.

But why did I get it in the first place? There’s a story there. … Read more

Funny Stuff Gaming ToyBox

Check your Dalek

Late last night, a really goofy thought hit me about an audience participation gag for Glitchcon. It would actually be tied into this year’s Doctor Who season premiere, which – the advance publicity boasts – features every previous model of Dalek from the original series in one strange setting. I’ve now come up with an idea to place Daleks, new and old, in an even stranger (and interactive) setting. Part of me thinks it’s goofy enough that folks might walk by and stare and not have anything to do with the other stuff on the table (that would be bad, since I’m trying to sell books), another part of me thinks it’ll be irresistible (which would be good, because… ooh, look! Books and DVDs! Shiny things for sale!).

Cryptic hint: this is directly related to the image in the blog post before this one.

Stay tuned.… Read more

Gaming Television & Movies Write, Write, You Bloody Well Write

Achievement unlocked: GlitchCon 2012!

Thanks to friends and random strangers who have bought stuff from my recent rounds of eBay auctions, expenses have been met for’s vendor booth at GlitchCon in Bentonville, August 3rd, 4th and 5th.

Glitchcon 2012
(Click here to learn more about GlitchCon)

The voices of Mario and Master Chief will be there (now there’s a mix for you), as well as Star Wars & Dune spinoff author Kevin J. Anderson, among many others. Judging by the photo gallery from last year’s event, the cosplaying at GlitchCon is near-legendary. The tagline for the show is “Sci-fi, anime, gaming, steampunk, and much more,” so just about any geek genes you have ought to be tickled here.

I’ll have copies of VWORP!1 and the Phosphor Dot Fossils DVDs at the show, and maybe a few goodies to show off too. See you there!

Another convention appearance closer to home after GlitchCon is also being discussed – stay tuned.… Read more

Write, Write, You Bloody Well Write

On this day in history…

…at least according to the “on this day in history” plugin installed on my blawg, I made the earliest announcement of VWORP!1 (at the time, rather naively known as a potentially-thousand-page book simply called VWORP!), four years ago today.


(That’s funny and fitting: the earliest draft cover used the credit font from the Hartnell era; the completed, released cover uses something quite a bit more current. No, I didn’t plan that.)

These days I do silly things like announce that I’ll have two books of roughly the same size out in the next 18 years months. What can I say? I like a challenge. 😆 … Read more