A blog post in which I go on at great length about not having much to say

Sorry about the complete and utter silence here lately – I haven’t had a lot to say. For those who weren’t aware, my dad passed away on March 29th and the wind has been let out of my sails a bit. I’m not going to claim any kind of great emotional trauma here – this is something that had been on the horizon for something like the last six months or so. And honestly, on a great many levels… I’m glad for him. Relieved. He’s free of a body that was increasingly trying to betray him, he’s free of pain, and he’s free of a situation that he was only going to escape feet-first. (Those who know what I’m referring to there will know what I’m referring to there; those who don’t… well, just understand it’s not something I’m going to blab or blog about out in the open.)

But some of the fallout has left me a bit fatigued; the percentage of the “total exhaustion” pie chart that isn’t attributed to work and daddy duty can safely be attributed to this. If this gives you an idea of “fallout” – the closest there’s been to an actual obituary printed anywhere is this memorial page hosted by the funeral home… and I had to Google his name, get the name of the funeral home from a one-line death notice on a Tulsa newspaper’s website, and then find that funeral home’s site just to find it. Just dealing with this stuff makes me want to go back to bed and pull the covers – and probably the nearest cat – over my head.

If I had to sum up my general feelings on everything right now, one word springs to mind: tired. I don’t know if I need a diet change, vitamins, vacation, or if I need to just go ahead and get that mental breakdown and mid-life crisis (which may or may not be the same thing) out of the way. But I’m just completely worn out.

On the other hand, though, it could be worse – I could look like this guy.

Yes, Facebook, that’s right. An image that screams “Al Bundy as an older man with rampant constipation” is going to make people flock to this advertiser in droves. I’m starting to think someone picks these pictures with a stock photo library CD-ROM, a 20-sided die and a bottle of vodka.

Okay, I’ve exhausted my rather shallow reservoir of funny there. Back to being tired.

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