So…ahem…the, uh…Sontarans.

Exciting pictures of Doctor Who’s new Sontarans from the BBC. (Hey, they said it, not me.) Apparently the main Sontaran is played by Christopher Ryan of The Young Ones fame, who also played a different critter in The Trail Of A Time Lord in 1986. I just dunno, for the first time a new series “update” of an original series creature has me kinda scratching my head and wondering if they’ve missed the mark. We’ll see how he looks on the screen.

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  1. 1

    Umm, he seems kinda short. I’ve always thought the Sontarans were 6 feet tall or taller (maybe I was just duped by the Sontaron propaganda all these years). He also looks like a small-eared Ferengi in a Sontaran uniform.

  2. 2

    Here is a much better look at the very first Sontaran – and possibly still the best: (link)

    You’re not the first person to draw the Ferengi comparison either, interestingly enough. Maybe it’s the teeth, I dunno.

    Interestingly, there was a fan-made production called Shakedown: Return Of The Sontarans in 1994 which apparently had to ‘redesign’ the Sontarans a bit, to take them away from the BBC design, if they were to get permission to use them. And I thought that redesign really nailed it. (I actually did a Shakedown cover in my DVD art section, so you can get a little tiny look at the Shakedown Sontarans there.)

    They were always meant to be a bit on the short-and-squat side of things, as they’re from a heavy gravity planet (and show it), but this is really short. I think part of it is that David Tennant’s so flippin’ tall in those pictures, but…hmmm. I’m not sure about the face.

  3. 3

    It’s been a while since I’ve seen the Invasion of Time show so I may have to reevaluate the six feet tall impression I have.

    However, one impression of mine that is unmistakable: barrel-chested. It goes with the territory of been squat and living in a heavy planet. That and thick neck muscles. You kinda get that impression from the original Sontarons but less so with the new show.

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