Baby news

Okay, after Jan spent a night not sleeping because her blood pressure was all over the map, she went to the doctor this morning. Here’s the game plan:

1. Have a baby.
2. ???
3. Profit!

No, seriously, if we don’t have a baby on the ground by Monday (on the ground? okay, that’s proof right there that I’ve spent way too much time with baby horses and not enough with baby humans), then Thursday of next week will be scheduled for induction, and I only wish that meant “into the Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame”. We had been aiming for natural childbirth, no C-sections, etc. etc., but if I’ve learned anything, it seems to be that even attempting to aim for these things almost guarantees that they’ll never, ever happen.

So there you have it. Sometime in the next eight days, I’m going to be a daddy. Oh, and we’ll open that whole seventh seal thing around that time too. Just FYI. It’ll be a busy day.

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  1. 1

    Under: “3. Profit!” I hope you mean emotionally and spiritually because monetary profit won’t happen for years to come (if ever). Unless you are planning some kind of video editing sweatshop scheme. 🙂

    Good luck! I hope the labor is short and everything goes swimmingly.

  2. 2

    Fortunately, induction doesn’t necessarily mean c-section. Susan had labor induced for one of our kids (Mason) but not the other. While it’s not the most Hollywood solution, there’s something to be said for scheduling the thing instead of waking up at 3 in the morning in a panic. Either way, I’m sure things will go fine for all three involved parties.

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