Wow, this is actually a good sign

At lunchtime today, I went to Hastings to look for Babylon 5: The Lost Tales on DVD. They were sold out! Let me recap that string of improbabilities for you:

  1. A new direct-to-DVD Babylon 5 movie
  2. …sold out
  3. …in Fort Smith, Arkansas

😯 To further my list of seven impossible things by lunchtime, I stumbled upon a Doctor Who merchandise rack that I didn’t realize was there, and picked up two new action figures that I didn’t know were out (much less in the U.S.), Martha Jones and the bloody space rhino (they’ll look great next to the Face of Boe). (I also snuck out with The Hand Of Fear on DVD, which I had been keeping an eye out for.) I then had no choice but to go to Best Buy. There was a time, about ten years ago, when I couldn’t walk into Best Buy without dropping $50 at least. These days, their selection has become so watered down into mainstream pablum that I have a hard time finding $50 of things I’d like to buy there over the course of an entire year. In this case, though, they got not quite $20 out of me, as they had three copies of The Lost Tales left. I didn’t realize until I opened up the box that there was a Best Buy exclusive comic inside, written by JMS himself. Quite nice artwork, but story-wise more sentimental and symbolic than meaty at only six pages.

Okay, I promise, I promise, I’ll stop spending money…starting…now.

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  1. 1

    Maybe they only had one copy and they sold it to your wife who is going to surprise you with it.

    OK OK, wishful thinking, I’m sure.

    I haven’t got my copy yet. I’ll probably do the Amazon thing unless I find it at Borders or Hastings and it’s an impulse buy.

  2. 2

    Maybe they only had one cpoy and they sold it to your wife who is going to surprise you with it.

    Well, I was going to say that they probably didn’t even order any copies for their store… :p

  3. 3

    Well, I was going to say that they probably didn’t even order any copies for their store…

    True. Very true. I went to the Borders bookstore and found no Babylon 5 DVD there. I’ll try Hastings tomorrow but I am not optimistic.

  4. 4

    More than two weeks later and I finally went to Hastings. I completely forgot about getting Tales (obviously not a priority) and I went to the store to rent Hot Fuzz. Lo and behold, quite by accident, I spot a copy of of Lost Tales. Not one copy, mind you, but six copies! I guess I should have gone to Hastings in the first place (mental note, next time go to Hastings FIRST, then Borders).

    BTW, Earl, where did you end up getting your copy of the show?

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