Oberon beefcake shot of the week

Rico Suave Gato
C’mon, ladies. You know you want some of this.

Weather RadiosAt long last, and thanks to a sale at Radio Shack, my wife decided it was time to replace my aging and ailing old weather alert radio. Anyone who’s ever spent time at my place during storm season knows the sound of this thing when it was in its prime, roaring away like a falsetto air raid siren. Here lately, after years and years of constant use and the odd lightning strike here and there, its solid state integrity has been chipped away until its mighty alarm tone sounded more like a sick cat. In the old weather radio’s heyday, I remember when I was living in an apartment in downtown Fort Smith, and a neighbor complained that the weather radio going off scared her.

Surely, ma’am, that was the point.

The new weather radio, alas, has an alarm tone that sounds exactly like one of the sounds from my Coleco tabletop Pac-Man machine. It sounds like Pac-Man just ate a power pellet today. I’ve been suffering from a rather major allergic reaction to something today, so I just stayed in bed until about one o’clock this afternoon, and of course with it being Wednesday, the weather radio test tone was fired off this afternoon. Rather than waking up to the sound I associate with bad weather, I woke up wondering how in the hell the cats had gotten into my glassed-in display case and turned on the Coleco Pac-Man machine. It was clear to me that the “hey, that sound scares me” school of thought had won out at last.

God forbid that a device designed to warn us of danger might actually alarm us and put us on edge. We just can’t have that.

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  1. 1

    Well, if your old neighbor at your old apt. could hear the weather radio at our house, she probably had the landlord ask you to throw it out.

    About the cat & Pac-Man ref—LOL!!

    One more thing, have you gotten around to checking out my finding from my last post yet at Mainframe’s web site?

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