
Space: Above And BeyondThe Saratoga makes its way back to Earth, but before the troops can spend much time fantasizing about a week’s liberty on their home planet, a new bulletin announces that U.N. Secretary General Chartwell has been assassinated – and the killer is an in vitro. A number of world leaders on both sides of the in vitro rights movement hold a summit aboard the Saratoga, resulting in a declaration that all in vitros in the military must submit themselves to a degrading series of tests which supposedly will determine their loyalty to the human race. McQueen flatly refuses to undergo these tests, jeopardizing his military career. What no one seems to realize at first as that the tests could be legitimized racism under the guise of national security.

Order the DVDwritten by Glen Morgan & James Wong
directed by Felix Alcala
music by Shirley Walker

Guest Cast: Harriet Sansom Harris (Diane Hayden), Josie DiVincenzo (Lt. Susan Posarick), George Delhoyo (Nicholas Chaput), James Leisure (Lt. Charlie Stone), John Verea (Cwirko), Ken Takemoto (Kurosawa), Kimberly Patton (Feliciti OH 483), Mark Lentry (Man), Michael Harney (Questioner), Daniel Stewart (Thompson), John L. Bennett (Master of Arms), Robin Curtis (Andrea Wilkins)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

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