Funny Stuff Toiling In The Pixel Mines

From the midland…

Who's talkingSomebody posted this poll on Facebook, so I had to give it a shot, and it gave me the result:

“You have a Midland accent” is just another way of saying “you don’t have an accent.” You probably are from the Midland (Pennsylvania, southern Ohio, southern Indiana, southern Illinois, and Missouri) but then for all we know you could be from Florida or Charleston or one of those big southern cities like Atlanta or Dallas. You have a good voice for TV and radio.

Yeah, maybe I oughtta try that sometime… oh, wait. 😉… Read more

Television & Movies Toiling In The Pixel Mines

The much-missed joys of nocturnal aviation

Night FlightA friend’s mention of the HD restoration of Bambi Meets Godzilla triggered a distant memory of something on TV that was actually – so help me – fun and exciting and mind-expanding. At the dawn of the 1980s, USA Network’s overnight weekends were filled not with informercials, but with the marvel of free-association video that was Night Flight.Read more

Toiling In The Pixel Mines

This is my kind of poetry

Check this out. This is the sort of thing I wish I could say I had put together.

Stardust from PostPanic on Vimeo.

PostPanic director Mischa Rozema’s new short film, Stardust, is a story about Voyager 1 (the unmanned spacecraft launched in 1977 to explore the outer solar system). The probe is the furthest man-made object from the sun and witnesses unimaginable beauty and destruction. The film was triggered by the death of Dutch graphic designer Arjan Groot, who died aged 39 on 16th July 2011 from cancer.

Nicely done, gang. Just beautiful. Four minutes of pure poetry.

Very minor detail: in real life, the Voyager probes have their large dish antennae pointed back toward Earth, not pointing forward in the direction of travel. Don’t let that get in the way of enjoying the work and feeling put into this, though.… Read more

Television & Movies Toiling In The Pixel Mines

Deep Space Nine and me

By the Prophets, has it really been 20 years? I remember it like it was yesterday – a contact of mine at a local TV station bringing me a fresh-off-the-satellite raw feed of the pilot episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine… just before New Year’s Eve, 1992. (Strange as it may sound, the episodes fed well in advance of the usually-over-the-weekend broadcast dates, to the tune of “at least a week”, so yes, I got to see the first episode of DS9 before 1993.) It was an awesome sight to behold. It was an intensely moving story, especially since I was 20 at the time and could relate to the sense of not-having-moved-on-from-something-really-bad-happening. It was a story that I needed to see; I suspect it was a story a lot of people needed to see. I was working in radio at the time (but was a few months away from transitioning to TV), so I was still a viewer (with inside info), although one of my last radio tasks was to interview Dennis McCarthy about the remixed version of the show’s theme. Deep Space Nine wasn’t my job yet.

Warning: if you’re not up for reading a lot of stuff about Star Trek, the local end of broadcasting syndicated shows, and inter-office warfare, you probably don’t want to go past the jump.

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Toiling In The Pixel Mines


vworp... vworp... vworp...You want to read almost 7% of VWORP!1 for free before taking the plunge?

VWORP!1 Sampler – 2.56mb PDF file

I’ll be looking over a new proof copy in the next couple of days, and provided it hasn’t been randomly rearranged by some algorithm designed to “correct” my carefully-arranged layout, I’ll pull the trigger and make it available to order.

For a variety of reasons, I’ve opted to use Createspace, which is part of Amazon and therefore is automatically available on and, rather than Believe it or not, this’ll actually make it cheaper for you; in the meantime, I just have to deal with the automatic document check system on Createspace trying to “correct” a layout that I actually thought out pretty thoroughly, thankyouverymuch.

Keep watching the big book cover link to the left…… Read more

Funny Stuff Toiling In The Pixel Mines

Say hello to my little friend

VWORP!1Meet my new buddy Dinsdale the Drashig. He doesn’t make too many public appearances, not since his guest starring gig in the 1973 Doctor Who story Carnival Of Monsters. (Which, incidentally, you can read about in VWORP!1.)

He’ll be helping me hand out books at OVGE, but you’ve gotta be careful with him… … Read more

Gaming Toiling In The Pixel Mines

In Dreams

Flynn'sEvery once in a while, an idea lands in my head from a dream, fully-formed, and I wake up and go “hey, gotta write that one down.” Today I took a nap and had such a revelation.

I stated a while back that I’d had a memoir that started out, at least nominally, as a Phosphor Dot Fossils book, but it just as quickly become something that reached far beyond the parameters of that particular “brand name” (if you can even call it that). It’ll still make many a mention of video games and computers and so on, but it’s not a straight-up video game guidebook of any kind.

What hit me today was the organizational idea for precisely the kind of straight-up video game guidebook that the other book had ceased to be. Ironically, the idea was familiar – I’d actually already seen something similar in a book about pre-’80s rock bands, many, many years ago (we’re talking back when I was in college, mind you), and suddenly that dormant synapse fired and said “Why not apply that organizational strategy to… this project?”

So suddenly the PDF book, that I’ve known for some time that I needed to write, has a shape and a purpose. Something unique that sets it apart from other books on the subject. It’s almost hard to explain – it’s both an organizational concept and a visual concept. The layout will be pretty involved.

Maybe 2014 or 2015, if I haven’t keeled over by then from all the stuff I have to roll out in 2013.… Read more