Cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria!

Yesterday I talked about how Olivia had finally accepted Xena, our 80-pound dog, into her family – but the real fun didn’t start until about an hour after I wrote my previous entry. Olivia loves to play with Xena. Ankles, wagging tails, Xena’s nose, her whole body – anything’s fair game for a kitten attack! And Xena just sits there and takes this abuse with a smile on her face. If Olivia gets a little too “attached” to Xena’s tail or her legs, Xena simply gets up gently and moves. Olivia has even given Xena “kitty kisses” – a practice that’s been sorely missed in our home since Iago left us. Xena’s perfectly happy to be the center of his new little friend’s attention – she has missed Chloe badly, so I think she’s more than happy to be friendly with Olivia so early on.
What a family portrait this is turning out to be. 😆 Speaking of family portraits, here’s some new video of Riyala and her filly – who happens to be Boss’ half-sister. (Riyala’s first filly was My Maaria, who’s also in the video section.) (If anyone’s interested, there’s also some Riyala music on here too – come to think of it, there’s Hannah music and Sultry music there too.)

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