And it’s on Thursday night too, that’s perfect.

I just woke up from a “TV dream” nap. I’m sure plenty of people have them – basically, you wind up in the middle of some fictional universe interacting with the characters there. Personally, as much as you think Mr. Episode Guide Guy would love being in the thick of things, I always find these distressing and disappointing on a certain level. I never wind up in a really good story (damn you, writers’ strike!), and when I wake up, honestly, I feel like someone else’s imagination has breached mine, and more importantly, some barrier has broken down in my mind, even temporarily, between fantasy and reality, and on some certain inner level I find that deeply offensive. (Man, do I sound like I’ve got a massive stick up my ass or what?) Fortunately, I rarely have these, so I don’t go around letting my subconscious offend me a whole lot. 😆 And the handful of times in a given year that I do have these dreams, I usually wind up making sarcastic comments about it in the dream, like there’s a part of me actively working to deny the reality of the obviously fictional situation. And here I bet you people thought I spend a lot of time in the TARDIS.

Fictional elements or no, I’m sure trained psychologists would have a field day with this one. Because strip out the mondo bizarro fictional instrusion that basically makes up the last 1/10 of the dream, and it’s a dream about feeding Evan a bottle. (My fertile imagination just reaches for the bloody stars, doesn’t it? 😆 ) But the really fun part is right at the end when Benjamin Linus pops around the corner of my room.

Obviously I didn’t stick around for freakin’ Eli Stone.

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  1. 1

    The earliest dream I remember ever having is when I was about six years old, and I dreamt that the crew of Star Trek (the original; Captain Kirk et al.) entered my room and started talking to me.

    Like most dreams, this amuses and unnerves me.

  2. 3

    Earl, you don’t like TV dreams? You’ve got to be kidding me! I LOVE TV dreams! I don’t get them often but when I do they’re GREAT!

    I have Star Trek dreams where I’m captain of the Enterprise and yet Kirk is there. I guess I’m the co-captain or the Admiral or something. A lot of the time in these dreams we are fighting this all-powerful alien ship that can change into different dimensions or something and we try to figure out how to make the Enterprise shift dimensions and chase the bad guys. Other times we find ourselves at this planet sized space station that has been abandoned for thousands of years. The lights are still on and the air is still good but we find no one there. Later on we either find the station crew is in hibernation or our away team is getting killed by monsters or killer robots. Sometimes we stop the problem by blowing up the station as we leave.

    My Dr. Who dreams are weird and a little frustrating. One repetitive dream happens with either Tom Baker or Peter Davison. We’re in the TARDIS waling around and exploring. Lots of bicycles, old TVs, couches and other things you would find in a garage are cluttering up the place. Suddenly we discover another TARDIS! So we walk inside and find another garage like mish mash of junk. Suddenly we find ANOTHER TARDIS and so we go inside. At some point we find ourselves in Victorian England or something. Very confusing.

    Another Dr. Who dream is more of a TV dream. I’m at my parents house and I am watching TV. I’m switching channels and the channel numbers are all different from what I have at home. Suddenly I find a Dr. Who episode playing and it’s an episode I never saw or even heard before and it’s half over! When I get this dream again months later it’s the same situation but in the dream I remember the earlier occurrence and I smack my forehead when I realize I didn’t program my VCR to record the show because I either keep forgetting to program the things of the Dr. Who show conflicted with a different show at the same time. D’oh!

    Even though some of the stories in my Star Trek or Dr. Who dreams are always similar or repetitive, I don’t care. During the dream I’m all excited that I am actually in the ST or DW universe. I can do anything I want and sometimes I do! Once, while in the “TARDIS as a Russian Doll” dream I decided to turn stop continuing entering the TARDIS within the TARDIS. As soon as I stepped into the TARDIS I turned around and stepped right out. Did I find myself in the original TARDIS? No! Suddenly I’m in a cave with these old computers (we’re talking wall size units like the ENIAC) and outside I could see Dinosaurs!

    Great stuff!

  3. 4

    Damn, I forgot my favorite TV dream of them all! I occasionally dream of Jeannie! Seriously! There’s Barbara Eden wearing her pink harem outfit and I am her master! When that dream happens I’m so excited I don’t know what to do with myself. Because she’s like soooo devoted to me and wants to please me. Oh God..oh God…OH GOD!!! I love TV dreams!!!!!

  4. 5

    I’m gonna try to forget that last response. 😆 However, this bit:

    We’re in the TARDIS waling around and exploring. Lots of bicycles, old TVs, couches and other things you would find in a garage are cluttering up the place. Suddenly we discover another TARDIS! So we walk inside and find another garage like mish mash of junk. Suddenly we find ANOTHER TARDIS and so we go inside. At some point we find ourselves in Victorian England or something. Very confusing.

    …is interesting, because it sounds like you might have subconsciously absorbed the TARDIS-inside-the-TARDIS-inside-the-TARDIS-ad-nauseum thing from this actual episode.

  5. 7

    Actually, Earl, I was thinking more along the lines of The Invasion of Time where Tom Baker and friends are walking through the TARDIS and they keep walking down the same stairway. One one point Leela wonders if they are going in circles. Naturally the good Doctor denies this. Anyway, that’s how it feels when I have that dream except the walls are closer together and there is a lot more clutter (pianos, plants, knights armor, Victorian mirrors etc.

    Now if I could only have a dream where I’m in the TARDIS with Jeannie. **sigh** Then I could REALLY be her Master (and the master of the world!). Look into my eyes!

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