Flat on our backs, taking the rest of the day off

I’ve had a couple of days this week where just about nothing got accomplished. My right foot, or more specifically the middle toe of my right foot, has been killing me for a couple of weeks now, and the pain got to where I almost couldn’t walk. I went to see the doctor, thinking “broken toe,” had X-rays taken…and lo and behold, no fracture.

I do, however, have funky mutant feet. I’ve always been able to pick things up off the floor with my toes and then “hand” those things off to an actual hand. Turns out there’s a reason for that. Two of the toes on my right foot are actually fingers – they have three segments and three joints, whereas your typical human toe has only two of each. The injury is an inflammation of a joint that, if you just look at the toe from the outside, doesn’t seem like it should be there. The one next to the little toe on that foot looks like a talon waiting to be deployed. So now I suppose the real question is: will my son have funky mutant feet too?

Anyway, my “sentence” is to take anti-inflammatory stuff twice a day, soak my foot a lot (and it just so happens that I’ve got a little mini-hot-tub thingy for that, something I bought for my wife for Christmas 3 or 4 years ago that never came out of the box until yesterday), and not walk any more than is necessary. I was given pain meds as well, but the first one I took – over 12 hours ago – is still just now trying to wear off. (I probably have the opposite of an immunity to pain medicine, because I don’t regularly dose myself with aspirin, Tylenol, Advil, etc. etc., and I can’t even imagine taking this stuff “every 4 hours as needed” like the label says – I’d be in a coma.)

In other news, I haven’t been checking homestarrunner.com as much as I used to, but this thing is pure gold. I must have played with that for half an hour. That has to be one of the neatest Flash apps I’ve ever seen, and it beats the pants off of a similar (well, similar in concept, certainly nowhere near this in terms of graceful execution and ease of use) thing the BBC did a while back to let people remix the original Doctor Who theme to their liking. Even if you just watch the cartoon, it’s very amusing, but don’t forget to click on “mix your own style” at the end. Even folks who aren’t Homestar fans can appreciate this one for its sheer creativity.

Speaking of making strange sounds come out of the speakers of electronic devices (I should have the equivalent of a degree in that by now), I recently tried some experiments with my cell phone to see if it would play an MP3 as a ringtone, and voila, it does. Suddenly, all those classic video game sound FX CDs that I’ve accumulated and thought “Well, that’s neat, but what possible use could anyone have…?” have become much more useful.

Oh, and one tiny little plug: if you like a bit of Star Wars, you might want to check theLogBook.com’s Monday update. 😉

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  1. 1

    Just dropping a note to let you know that the WordPress-to-LiveJournal plugin thingy is working again.

    Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some tennis ball hot dogs to eat…

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