On the pronunciation of UAH.

Figure 1.  Burchuss, a fiddygibber.I tried to leave this in a reply to the previous post’s comments, but the audio plugin doesn’t seem to like to be in a reply, so let’s try ’em in a post. (Sorry, Livejournal folks – plug-ins don’t translate, so you’ll have to click the link to come to the blog on my site for this to work. Trust me, it’s worth it if you’ve never heard a fiddygibber before. And I’m not sure how many among us can truly say they have.)
On pronouncing “Uah”: that’s only a very rough phonetic approximation, since it’s not even a human vocalization (!!). Here is an audio track with some amusing examples:
Fiddygibbers In The Swamp
(That’s not even really representative of what he sounded like on the show either – that tended to be much more rapid-fire – though it’s very amusing to hear the “redneck fiddygibber” and the “pathetic old fiddygibber” in there. 😆 This was recorded around 1993 or so and I don’t remember if we ever used it in anything or not. Play it over the closing shot of the monolith in the swamp in 2010: The Year We Make Contact – it puts a whole different spin on things!)
I’ll see about getting some more samples posted soon. Since you asked. (For the record, I can’t even believe I’m posting this!)

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  1. 1

    Fiddygibbers in Swamp = the sound of Earl’s stomach after a big meal?
    Just kidding. 🙂 It sounds pretty cool. I’m sure Mr. Flibble can make that “uah” sound (especially if I squeeze him real hard).
    I’d like to experiment with computers and sound again. I have a single board computer that I used to hook up to a speaker to make sound effects. I should power that puppy up again and write a couple more programs. Hmmm.

  2. 2

    Maybe I should’ve said that, for the series proper, it was a human vocalization with quite an intense amount of purely analog editing that ends up making it sound quite weird. The technique we used tended to produce fairly random results, and you couldn’t really edit it “to picture,” but somehow it was always came out right. The little furry bastard could get downright strident at times. 😆

  3. 3

    Very interesting! Ok, I admit, hearing that I had some visions in my head of cartoonish versions of my cats burping and chucking up a hairball here or there. Don’t ask me why- I don’t know why my freako brain works like it does! 🙂
    I feel better being able to put something audible to the Fiddygibbers’ notorious catch-phrase, now. It is different than what I expected, but I like it. I think in my mind when reading the word “uah” I heard more of a fastly repeated “ooo-AHHHHH, ooo-AHHHHH”. So this is cool, heh.

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