Care for a cat scan?

This is becoming an increasingly common sight in my game room/office with the now-frequent Opening of the Window:
Cat Scan 😆
I’ve just about got all of that scanning and printing technology hooked back up, so Olivia may have to find a new spot to crash. Seriously – I need to find her a little ottoman or something. I used to have one in Green Bay, and kept it next to my computer desk, and Othello and Iago would spend all of their time there, watching me and staying within petting distance. Today I nearly stepped on Olivia’s paw (one of her recently-operated-on paws, no less) and she let out a loud alarm squeak before I put my weight on it. I moved my foot in a hurry and turned around to check on her, only to find Othello standing between me and her, hissing at me. Somebody’s protective of his little sis. I never thought I’d see the day.
Supremely frustrating evening at work tonight, just another instance where I’m more than ready to move on or just get out and start carving my own path. Maybe it’s just me getting a “bad attitude,” but the faults and weaknesses in our company are now sticking out like big, red, glowing sore thumbs to me, more and more, every day. And it pisses me off. It shouldn’t be like this. These are bring-everything-to-a-standstill problems and making-us-look-really-amateurish problems. When you’re endeavouring to be in the mass media, especially with a news operation, your credibility with the public is your only currency and it can take a lot to rebuild it if you make a habit out of screwing up. In this day and age of cowering away from anything that might potentially result in the vaguest whispered hint of a lawsuit, and then turning around and courting easy hot-button controversy for ratings, it’s no wonder that the media is losing that currency of respect with the folks who they’re too busy forcing ads onto.
Pac-Man potholderBack to the game room: when I moved stuff around, I had to take the HAL 9000 off the wall, leaving an icky nail sticking out. A while back, a friend of mine – in fact, it’s someone who reads this blawg! – sent me a few hand-made potholders (which, in this house, come in far more useful than you might realize, though I’ll admit that at least one has been hijacked by Olivia and pressed into service as her pillow). This one, however, is a display piece only, and perfectly suited for a retro gaming room. I just thought they’d like to see that these were definitely appreciated.
Back to L.E.O. for just a second – if anyone wants to grab it through my site instead of Not Lame, I’ve put it in the site’s store – click here-ish. All proceeds go toward…well…getting me a copy of the same. 😛

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