
Obi’s all bummed out about something. He’s just been laying like this all day.

Obi waits for Evan

This just isn’t like him.

Obi waits for Evan

Even Olivia can’t console him.

Obi waits for Evan

It’s all because Evan’s mom and grandmother took him shopping for more baby stuff, and to go on a doctor’s appointment for mom. Dad got to stay home, clean house, and go feed horses (nothing ever changes, eh?).

Obi waits for Evan

So Oberon’s been moping on the nursery bed all day.

Obi waits for Evan

Dad’s been using Evan’s neato “pencil tables” for entirely utilitarian purposes lately.

Obi waits for Evan

OK, I’ll admit it – I miss the little guy too.

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  1. 3

    I know it is a few days late and does not fully have to do with this entry, but I would be remiss if I didn’t pass along congratulations from myself and my wife on the birth of your son! He’s lucky to have such a sci-fi game loving dad

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