Deep Space Nine Season 01 Star Trek

The Forsaken

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate 46925.1: A handful of Federation ambassadors boards Deep Space 9 on a fact-finding mission – one which is failing to get off the ground since the delegates seem unable to cope with the fact that the station isn’t exactly a proper Federation starbase. Among the delegates is Lwaxana Troi, who becomes enamoured of Odo after he retrieves a stolen item of hers from a thief at Quark’s bar. As she begins scheming to snare the constable, a small probe emerges from the wormhole, and to O’Brien’s surprise, the station computer actually works well enough for once to download information from the probe. The probe’s effect on the station computer is inexplicable, including stranding Odo in a stuck turbolift with Lwaxana Troi…

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonteleplay by Don Carlso Dunaway and Michael Piller
story by Jim Trombetta
directed by Les Landau
music by Dennis McCarthy

Guest Cast: Majel Barrett (Lwaxana Troi), Constance Towers (Ambassador Taxco), Michael Ensign (Ambassador Lojal), Jack Shearer (Ambassador Vadosia), Benita Andre (Anara)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Deep Space Nine Season 01 Star Trek

Dramatis Personae

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate 46922.3: A Klingon ship makes an unexpected return from a scientific mission in the Gamma Quadrant and self-destructs. A single member of the ship’s crew beams himself into Ops, dying shortly after cryptically announcing “victory.” As Dax and O’Brien start trying to piece together the mystery of the Klingon ship, divisions take place between members of DS9’s crew. Kira, still unsatisfied after losing an argument with Sisko about security arrangements for a shipload of possible allies of the Cardassians, begins to plot against the commander, quietly gathering loyal followers among the crew and threatening those who don’t sympathize with her cause. Sisko, in the meantime, goes into hiding supposedly for security reasons, as he and Chief O’Brien prepare for Kira’s imminent mutiny. Odo remains the only officer who hasn’t taken up arms with either side yet, since he has his own motive.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Joe Menosky
directed by Cliff Bole
music by Jay Chattaway

Guest Cast: Tom Towles (Klingon), Stephen Parr (Valerian), Randy Pflug (Guard), Jeff Pruitt (Ensign)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Deep Space Nine Season 01 Star Trek


Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: A Federation freighter arrives and delivers a passenger who needs medical attention. At the mention of the passenger’s disease, Kira realizes that whoever it is, they were at a forced labor camp operated on Bajor by the Cardassians which Kira helped to liberate years ago. But the patient turns out to be a Cardassian. Kira places him under arrest and, against Sisko’s advice, interrogates him. Under questioning, the Cardassian suddenly proclaims himself to be Gul Darhe’el, who commanded the labor camps and authorized genocidal killings of Bajorans. Kira, along with the Bajoran provisional government, takes a more vested interest in proving him guilty of past atrocities…even if he isn’t who he says he is.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonteleplay by Peter Allan Fields
story by Lisa Rich & Jeanne Carrigan-Fauci
directed by James L. Conway
music by Dennis McCarthy

Guest Cast: Harris Yulin (Marritza), Marc Alaimo (Gul Dukat), Ted Sorel (Kaval), Tony Rizzoli (Kainon), Norman Large (Captain), Robin Christopher (Neela)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Deep Space Nine Season 01 Star Trek

In The Hands Of The Prophets

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: Vedek Winn, a Bajoran spiritual leader who is a prime contender for the position of Kai, appears in Keiko’s classroom and declares that Keiko’s scientific teachings about the wormhole are in conflict with Bajoran beliefs. Winn’s announcement divides the Federation officers and Bajorans on the station who follow Winn. Sisko attempts to enlist the aid of Vedek Bareil, the quiet leader in the race to become Kai, but initially meets with no cooperation. When terrorist acts begin, it becomes apparent that Bajoran political interests may also be deeply involved – and the Federation crew of Deep Space 9 may have outstayed their welcome.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Robert Hewitt Wolfe
directed by David Livingston
music by Dennis McCarthy

Guest Cast: Rosalind Chao (Keiko), Louise Fletcher (Winn), Philip Anglim (Vedek Bareil), Robin Christopher (Neela), Michael Eugene Fairman (Vendor)

LogBook entry by Earl Green