Max Headroom Series 1 (UK)

Episode 6

The Max Headroom ShowMax contemplates America’s insistence on naming a defense system after Star Wars, and questions whether or not Kramer vs. Kramer would’ve been more appropriate. Max then interviews Boy George about the upcoming Culture Club album, and is shocked when the singer claims to have better things to do with his balls than play golf. Max presents George with a gift, an demands in no uncertain terms that the singer should not thank him for it. In time-honored showbiz style, Max ends the season on a song.

The Max Headroom Showwritten by Paul Owen & David Hansen
directed by Rocky Morton and Annabel Jankel

Cast: Matt Frewer (Max Headroom), Boy George (himself)

Videos:Synchronicity II” (The Police), “Imagination” (Bellouis Some), “19” (Paul Hardcastle), “Agadoo” (Black Lace), “Victims” (Culture Club), “I’m The Urban Spaceman” (Bonzo Dog Doo Da Band)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 05 Star Trek The Next Generation

The Next Phase

Star Trek: The Next GenerationStardate not given: A small Romulan ship is stranded, its crew threatened by the imminent danger of an engine explosion. An Enterprise away team beams aboard to assess the damage, but when Geordi and Ro try to return to the Enterprise with a piece of Romulan equipment, they are apparently lost in a transporter malfunction, and the rest of the crew assume they are dead. Geordi and Ro both awaken on the Enterprise, but they cannot be heard or seen by anyone else on the ship, and their bodies are able to simply pass through solid walls and doors due to their molecules being “phased.” While Ro attempts to come to terms with her apparent death, Geordi discovers that he and Ro are leaving a trail detectable by the ship’s sensors. The two try to alert the Enterprise crew of their predicament, and discover that the Romulans can intentionally phase themselves and are nearing the conclusion of a plan to destroy the Enterprise.

Order the DVDswritten by Ronald D. Moore
directed by David Carson
music by Dennis McCarthy

Cast: Patrick Stewart (Captain Picard), Jonathan Frakes (Commander Riker), LeVar Burton (Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge), Michael Dorn (Lt. Worf), Gates McFadden (Dr. Crusher), Marina Sirtis (Counselor Troi), Brent Spiner (Lt. Commander Data), Michelle Forbes (Ensign Ro), Thomas Kopache (Mirok), Susanna Thompson (Varel), Shelby Leverington (Brossmer), Brian Cousins (Parem), Kenneth Meseroll (Ensign McDowell)

Notes: Kenneth Meseroll may not be a familiar face, but he is a familiar voice to many SF and anime fans – he played the part of Derek Wildstar in Star Blazers, the U.S.-translated version of Space Battleship Yamato.

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Babylon 5 / Crusade Season 1

Signs And Portents

Babylon 5Aside from the appearance of a mysterious young man who insists on nebulously asking the station’s alien ambassadors what they want, all seems quiet aboard the station until a nearby fighter is attacked by raiders, whose attacks have been getting bolder every time. Sinclair orders the station to be placed on alert in the event of any closer raider activity. In the meantime, powerful Centauri Lord Kiros arrives to take possession of the Eye, a legendary Centauri artifact which has been lost for a long time and recently “rediscovered” by Londo, unaware that the raiders would be drawn to just such an object. Kiros’ aunt, the mystic Lady Ladira, predicts the destruction of Babylon 5 and the death of Kiros himself. When the raiders turn out to be operating inside the station and take Kiros and the Eye, Sinclair orders the station’s fighter squadrons to prevent their escape. A huge mothership appears with its contingent of fighters, and Ladira’s predictions seem like a grimly imminent certainty.

Order now!Download this episodewritten by J. Michael Straczynski
directed by Janet Greek
music by Christopher Franke

Guest Cast: Gerritt Graham (Lord Kiros), Fredi Olster (Lady Ladira), Whip Hubley (Raider #1), Anita Brabec (Dome Tech #3), Ardwight Chamberlain (Kosh), Joshua Cox (Dome Tech #2), Garry Kluger (Man), Lee Mathis (Fighter #1), Douglas E. McCoy (Fighter #2), Hector Mercado (Pilot), Marianne Robertson (Dome Tech #1), Robert Silver (Reno), Ed Wasser (Morden), Lynn Red Williams (Customs Guard)

Babylon 5Original title: Raiding Party

Notes: In this story, Morden appears for the first time in the series to ask Londo and G’Kar what they want; also putting in a debut appearance is a dark spiny ship which will become more familiar toward the end of the season. It is also established that Delenn and Kosh know what Morden is. Though this episode arrives first in the chronology of the series, Ed Wasser played the role of Morden first in Chrysalis, which was filmed before Signs And Portents.

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Deep Space Nine Season 06 Star Trek

Time’s Orphan

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: Keiko, Molly, and Kirayoshi have returned to the station, and to celebrate, Miles takes them on a picnic to Golana. While there, however, Molly falls into a heretofore undiscovered time portal left behind by an ancient civilization. Miles is finally able to retrieve her, but the calculations are off, and Molly is beamed back as an 18-year-old who has survived for ten years and has turned savage in the process. The O’Briens do their best to help her re-socialize, but Starfleet wants to institutionalize her. Can her parents make the choice to give her the only home she knows?

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonteleplay by Bradley Thompson & David Weddle
story by Joe Menosky
directed by Allan Kroeker
music by Jay Chattaway

Guest Cast: Rosalind Chao (Keiko), Michelle Krusiec (Molly, 18), Hana Hatae (Molly, 8), Shaun Bieniek (Deputy), Randy James (Security)

Original title: Out Of Time

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Prequel Trilogy Star Wars

Revenge of the Sith

Star WarsThe Clone Wars have come to the heart of the Republic. The Separatists, led by Count Dooku and the part-organic, part-droid General Grievous, have attacked the capital planet and kidnapped Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Obi-Wan Kenobi, now a Jedi Master, and his former apprentice Anakin Skywalker launch a rescue mission, flying their starfighters into the landing bay of Grievous’s command ship. With the help of Anakin’s resourceful astromech droid R2-D2, the two Jedi find the Chancellor, but before they can escape they are confronted by Dooku – also known as the Sith Lord Darth Tyranus. Dooku manages to knock Obi-Wan unconscious before the younger, more powerful Knight disarms him. Palpatine urges Anakin to kill Dooku, to the Sith Lord’s apparent surprise. He hesitates for a moment, torn between Dooku’s apparent defenselessness and his own desire to make Dooku pay for his actions in starting the war. In the end, vengeance wins, and Dooku dies.

The rescuers’ efforts to leave the ship are temporarily frustrated by Grievous’s troops, and in the ensuing fight the general escapes even as his command ship falls apart under a heavy barrage of Republic fire. After a crash landing, Obi-Wan leaves to report to the Jedi Council while Anakin receives a hero’s welcome from senators including Alderaan’s Bail Organa. He receives another kind of welcome altogether from his secret wife, Senator Padme Amidala. She is pregnant, a pregnancy she has been hiding since Anakin left for the sieges on the Outer Rim months ago. The shocked Anakin declares this the happiest moment of his life, although he soon has reason to reconsider. In his dreams, Padme dies in childbirth. A shaken Anakin asks Yoda for counsel; the Jedi Master urges Anakin not to fear death, to let go of the things he is afraid to lose. It is the one piece of advice the young Jedi can not take.

With Grievous’s escape, the war continues. The Senate prepares to transfer more emergency power to the chancellor, who has stayed past the end of his term of office to deal with the crisis. The Jedi, including Obi-Wan, distrust the politician; Palpatine, in turn, fears the Jedi may be acting to subvert the Republic. He appoints Anakin as his special representative to the Council – an appointment the Council reluctantly accepts, although Anakin’s seat on the Council will not come with the title of Jedi Master. This wound to his pride is only inflamed when Obi-Wan tells him, out of session, that the Council wants him to report on Palpatine’s activities. Palpatine senses the pull between Anakin’s loyalties, and offers criticism of the Council’s shortsightedness in not trusting him. Perhaps the Jedi and the Sith are not so unlike after all, he muses – both seeking to maintain their power. But at least the Sith are willing to fully explore the potential of the Force – including the ability to stop people from dying.

Grievous has retreated to the Utapau system, where the Sith Lord Darth Sidious commands him to send the Separatist leaders to the lava world of Mustafar for their safety. The clone armies intercept Grievous’s location, and Palpatine shares the intelligence with Anakin, offering his hope that the Council will send him to defeat the general. Instead, the Council decides that a Master’s experience is necessary. With Yoda already on Kashykkk aiding the Wookiees, the assignment falls to Obi-Wan. He and Anakin wish each other a fond farewell, with Obi-Wan assuring Anakin that the Council will soon see what he does: that Anakin has become a greater Knight even than Obi-Wan, and deserves the rank of Master. Obi-Wan and clone troops led by Commander Cody engage Grievous’s forces on Utapau; when Cody reports this to Mace Windu, the Jedi sends Anakin to tell Palpatine, hoping to learn something of the chancellor’s intentions through his reaction.

The plan works, but not in the way anyone foresaw. Palpatine urges Anakin to learn about the Dark Side of the Force from him – to gain the only knowledge that can save Padme. Anakin realizes the truth – Palpatine is the Lord of the Sith the Jedi have sought. He rushes to tell Mace, who assembles a group of Jedi to arrest the chancellor and tells Anakin – whose conflict and confusion are palpable – to remain in the Council chambers. As Palpatine awaits the Jedi’s arrival, he telepathically reminds Anakin that if the Jedi kill him, all hope of saving Padme dies with him. Finally, Anakin can wait no longer. He takes a speeder and rushes to the Chancellor’s office. By the time he arrives, Palpatine has managed to kill each of the Jedi except Mace, who kicks Palpatine’s saber out of a window. Palpatine begs for Anakin’s help; when he hesitates, Palpatine attacks Mace with Force lightning. As Mace blocks it, the feedback seems to wither the Sith Lord, whose face shrivels into a pale, worn shadow of itself. Despite Sidious’s protests of weakness, Mace believes he is too dangerous to be kept alive – but Anakin can not face that loss. As Mace prepares to deliver the killing blow, Anakin slices off his hand, giving Sidious – powerful as ever – the opportunity to destroy the Jedi Master. A horrified Anakin declares that he will do anything to save Padme – even pledge himself to the Dark Lord. Sidious christens his new apprentice Darth Vader, and declares that the time has come to wipe out all of the Jedi – even Obi-Wan.

On Utapau, Obi-Wan succeeds in killing Grievous. He meets briefly with Cody and sets off to lead the troops to higher ground. But at that moment, the clone commander receives a transmission from Lord Sidious, implementing Order 66. Cody orders his men to shoot down Obi-Wan, who plunges to the water below. Across the galaxy, clone troopers turn on their Jedi generals. In the Jedi Temple, Vader leads the clone troopers in their assault, destroying even the Jedi younglings. Senator Organa discovers the catastrophe, and desperately brings his cruiser into space to try and warn off and rescue as many Jedi as he can. But other than Obi-Wan, only Yoda has escaped, thanks to the assistance of the Wookiee general Tarfful and Chewbacca. The pair of Jedi return to the Temple and discover the horrifying truth – the Chosen One of prophecy has joined the Sith.

In the Senate chamber, Organa joins Padme just in time to see Palpatine declare the Jedi enemies to be destroyed, and reorganize the Republic into the Galactic Empire – all to thunderous applause. Later, in her apartment, Obi-Wan reveals Anakin’s treachery and asks if she knows where he is. The disbelieving senator lies and says no, even though Anakin revealed to her that Palpatine was sending him to Mustafar to end the war. Lord Vader does so, by destroying all of the Separatist leaders and deactivating their droid armies. Padme flies to Mustafar, accompanied only by C-3PO, to confront her husband, and discovers to her horror that Obi-Wan was right. Vader eagerly describes how he will save her life with his newfound power, and eventually overthrow the Emperor so that he and Padme can rule the galaxy and set things right. Horrified, Padme begs him to come with her, to run away and hide while they still can, but Vader refuses to listen – especially when Obi-Wan appears, having stowed away in Padme’s ship. The enraged Vader uses the Force to choke his wife to unconsciousness before he and his former master draw their lightsabers. “I will do what I must,” says Obi-Wan. “You’ll try,” Vader replies . . . and the duel begins.

On Coruscant, Yoda brushes aside two of the Emperor’s royal guards to confront Sidious in his office. Sidious gains the upper hand, but Yoda will not give up so easily. Soon, their sabers clash and they quickly make their way into the Senate chambers, leaping from pod to pod in search of any advantage. Sidious sends Yoda falling to the bottom of the chamber, and the Jedi Master barely escapes from a mass of clone troopers with Bail Organa’s help. Having failed to destroy the Emperor, Yoda readies himself for a life in exile. Sidious orders his troops to search for Yoda, but his attention turns elsewhere. He orders a shuttle readied, for his senses tell him that Lord Vader is in danger.

On Mustafar, the Dark Lord’s concern seems misplaced. Vader is stronger than Obi-Wan, and attacks relentlessly. Obi-Wan manages to parry the blows, but can not gain the upper hand. The battle rages out of the command center, and soon the two combatants are floating down a river of lava, using any available platform or footing to stay out of the burning flow. As Vader presses the attack, Obi-Wan manages to leap from his platform onto higher ground. He warns Vader not to try to follow him; Vader warns Obi-Wan not to underestimate his power. The Jedi’s warning turns out to be more prescient; as Vader leaps to the river bank, Obi-Wan slices off both legs and Vader’s undamaged hand. Vader screams his hatred, while the heartbroken Jedi picks up Vader’s lightsaber and walks away – unable to look as Vader’s body catches fire and is consumed by flames.

Obi-Wan brings the still unconscious Padme to the medical facility at Polis Massa. Medical droids discover that while her body is physically fine, her spirit is fading – she has apparently lost the will to live. Obi-Wan stands by Padme as her twin children are born. She names then Luke and Leia; then with her final breath turns to Obi-Wan and insists that somewhere, there is still good in the heart of the man who was once Anakin Skywalker.

On Mustafar, Sidious finds Vader, barely alive, and brings him to Coruscant, where droids attach new mechanical limbs and place his body in a life support suit. As a skull-like mask is placed on Vader’s head, the sounds of mechanical breathing echo through the room. His first words ask of Padme’s fate; his master tells him that she is dead, at his hand. The Sith Lord’s grief and rage wreaks havoc on the chamber. Eventually he emerges to the bridge of an Imperial cruiser to stand beside Sidious and observe the initial stages of construction of an immense battle station.

As Padme is laid to rest on Naboo, Bail Organa and the two remaining Jedi plan their next move. Organa places C-3PO and R2-D2 in the care of Alderaan’s Captain Antilles, and orders that the protocol droid’s memory be wiped. He and his wife will adopt Leia. Obi-Wan will bring Luke to Tatooine, to live with his Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru while Obi-Wan watches over him. Yoda will head into exile until the time is right. Until that time, Yoda has made a discovery – the Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, killed over a decade ago, has found a way to retain his identity even as he became one with the Force after his death. He will share that knowledge with Yoda, who will share it with Obi-Wan. And together, they will wait for the time when a new hope emerges for freedom and justice in the galaxy.

Order the DVDswritten by George Lucas
directed by George Lucas
music by John Williams

Cast: Ewan McGregor (Obi-Wan Kenobi), Natalie Portman (Padme Amidala), Hayden Christensen (Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader), Ian McDiarmid (Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious), Jimmy Smits (Bail Organa), Samuel L. Jackson (Mace Windu), Christopher Lee (Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus), Frank Oz (voice of Yoda), Ahmed Best (Jar Jar Binks), Anthony Daniels (C-3PO), Kenny Baker (R2-D2), Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca), Matthew Wood (voice of General Grievous), James Earl Jones (voice of Darth Vader)

LogBook entry by Dave Thomer

Season 10 SG-1 Stargate

Bad Guys

Stargate SG-1SG-1 travels without Carter to a world that Daniel hopes contains a repository of Ancient technology. Instead, they wind up on a world much like 20th century Earth that has not yet made contact with other worlds. Their stargate is in a museum, but they do not have a functioning dialing device. The team plans to wait until SGC makes contact and then request a generator to power the gate and dial home manually. But before that happens, some museumgoers find them; the museum’s security guards assume that SG-1 are political rebels and begin shooting. The museum goes into lockdown, trapping some of the patrons inside Concerned that the authorities will simply kill them if they let everyone go, SG-1 decides to pose as rebels and stall for time. With the assistance of a researcher who has long believed the stargate can connect with other worlds, the team tries to find any relics that might let them power the gate themselves. Unfortunately, once they do, they only manage to make it even more urgent that they power up the gate – because otherwise a naquadah bomb will blow them all sky high.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazon's Unboxstory by Martin Gero & Ben Browder
teleplay by Martin Gero
directed by Peter DeLuise
music by Joel Goldsmith

Guest Cast: Ron Canada (Quartus), Joshua Malina (Cicero)

LogBook entry by Dave Thomer

Season 3 Stargate Stargate Atlantis

The Ark

Stargate AtlantisAn exploration of an apparently abandoned space station, built into a hollowed-out asteroid orbiting a planet, intrigues McKay – to the point that he restarts the installation’s reactor and triggers the reanimation of a frozen crew of two men who weren’t picked up by sensors. They were left behind to guard a device storing a thousand of their people to protect them from detection by the Wraith. Upon learning that his world and his family fell victim to the Wraith before they could evacuate to the station, one of the revived crew commits suicide by firing the engines of the station’s single shuttle and stepping into the incinerating blast. But the engines also burn through the asteroid itself, pushing it out of its orbit…and blasting into space the jumper used by Sheppard’s team to get there. With time running out, a rescue team from Atlantis arrives to retrieve the crew, but before they can evacuate, the sole surviving reanimated crew member takes the survival of his race – and Teyla’s life – into his own hands.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazon's Unboxstory by Ken Cuperus & Scott Nimerfro
telelplay by Ken Cuperus
directed by Martin Wood
music by Joel Goldsmith and Neil Acree

Guest Cast: Kenneth Welsh (Jamus), Joris Jarsky (Hersky), Kavan Smith (Major Lorne), Chuck Campbell (Technician), Gerry Durand (Marine)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

2000s Series Season 1 V

Red Sky

V (2000s series)With Tyler determined to take part in the Visitors’ “live aboard” program, Erica gives up on trying to convice him not to move aboard Anna’s ship, instead seeing an opportunity to get herself aboard and destroy Anna’s army of genetically-bred killers before they hatch. Ryan’s pregnant wife is kidnpped by V trackers and taken to Anna’s ship, where security has been beefed up in the wake of incidents such as the recent “attack” on Lisa, but he insists on going aboard to save her. But she’s already in labor, and can’t be moved. Having lost contact with Joshua and the other fifth column members aboard Anna’s ship, and fully aware that reporter Chad Decker is a direct link to Anna, Erica devises a plan to pass a message to Joshua, and even if Anna intercepts it, she won’t decipher its full meaning. Hobbes uses himself as the bait to lure Marcus, Anna’s chief enforcer and head of security, to Earth. With Marcus out of the way, Erica can move more freely, but she hasn’t anticipated the ever-shifting loyalties of Lisa, or the unpredictability of Decker, and Ryan’s whereabouts are unknown. Erica manages to deal a devastating blow to the Visitors, but the momentary victory is a costly one.

written by Scott Rosenbaum & Gregg Hurwitz
directed by Robert Duncan McNeill
music by Marco Beltrami

Guest Cast: Charles Mesure (Kyle Hobbes), Christopher Shyer (Marcus), Mark Hildreth (Joshua), Lexa Doig (Dr. Pearlman), Scott Hylands (Father Travis)

Notes: Jack’s message to his parishioners – “let V stand for victory” – is a deliberate echo of one of the closing lines of the original V miniseries broadcast in 1984. The birth of the first human-Visitor hybrid harkens back to V: The Final Battle, but is presented very differently here. Another callback to V: The Final Battle is turned on its ear here: in that miniseries, the red dust was an anti-Visitor chemical which the resistance – not the aliens – deployed into the air and into Earth’s water supply by hot air balloon (since powered aircraft would have been detected and shot down). Director Robert Duncan McNeill is no stranger to alien intrigue, having starred as Tom Paris for seven seasons on Star Trek: Voyager prior to becoming an in-demand director.

Doctor Who New Series Season 07

The Name Of The Doctor

Doctor WhoThen: The Doctor, in his first incarnation, prepares to steal a TARDIS and escape Gallifrey with his grandddaughter, Susan. In the TARDIS repair docks of Gallifrey, he is greeted not by security, but by a young woman whose face and name he will not know until his eleventh incarnation. She advises him to steal a different TARDIS than the one he was planning to take.

Now: The Doctor’s friends hold a cross between a teleconference and a seance, discussing an item of immediate concern: a man who claims to know the Doctor’s true name, his greatest secret. But the gathering itself is a trap: one by one, Jenny, Strax, and Madame Vastra are abducted and taken to Trenzalore, a planet where the Doctor has been predicted to fall. Clara relays this to the Doctor, and after a moment of hesitation, he leads the charge to free his allies. On Trenzalore, he is greeted by the unlikely sight of a giant TARDIS – his TARDIS, abandoned since his future death, its exterior dimensions catching up with its interior dimensions. As soon as the Doctor and Clara enter this future iteration of the TARDIS, it’s quite obvious that it’s a trap. At the heart of the TARDIS, the former console room, the Great Intelligence lurks with a small army of whisper men. The Intelligence wants to undo the Doctor’s history once and for all, by stepping into the Time Lord’s already-paradoxical time stream and thwarting every victory in the Doctor’s history. Against the Doctor’s wishes and his express warning about the danger involved, Clara leaps into the Doctor’s time stream in her own bid to defeat the Great Intelligence at every turn. In doing this, she is splintered into many incarnations of her own, meeting all of the Doctor’s faces and assisting all of them at some point in their adventures: this is why the Doctor has met more than one Clara, and why she has always seemed to go out of her way – even sacrificing her life – to save him. The Doctor jumps into his own time stream to retrieve her once the damage to his history is reversed, finding her alone with someone she doesn’t recognize as one of the Doctor’s many faces.

But the Doctor recognizes this face. It is the face which does not call itself the Doctor. It is the face of the man who fought the final battle of the Last Great Time War.

Order the DVDwritten by Steven Moffat
directed by Saul Metzstein
music by Murray Gold

Cast: Matt Smith (The Doctor), Jenna-Louise Coleman (Clara), Alex Kingston (River Song), Richard E. Grant (Dr. Simeon), Neve McIntosh (Vastra), Catrin Stewart (Jenny), Dan Starkey (Strax), Eve de Leon Allen (Angie), Kassius Carey Johnson (Artie), Nasi Voutsas (Andro), David Avery (Fabian), Michael Jenn (Clarence), Rab Affleck (Archie), Samuel Irvine (Messenger Boy), Sophie Downham (young Clara), Paul Kasey (Whisper Man), John Hurt (The Doctor), William Hartnell (The Doctor)

Notes: Via colorized B&W footage from the original series Doctor Who(and stand-ins), William Hartnell has a speaking part in an episode of Doctor Who for the first time since the prologue of 1983’s The Five Doctors. The Five Doctors is also the source of film clips of Patrick Troughton and Jon Pertwee. Tom Baker appears in a clip from 1977’s The Invasion Of Time, while Peter Davison appears in footage from 1983’s Arc Of Infinity. A brief clip of Sylvester McCoy from Dragonfire (1987) is also seen; Colin Baker, Paul McGann and Christopher Eccleston are represented by stand-ins wearing their costumes rather than by film or video clips.

Doctor WhoThe Great Intelligence mentions some of the Doctor’s “other names”, including “the Oncoming Storm” (the Daleks’ name for the Doctor, first revealed in the novelization of 1988’s Remembrance Of The Daleks in its original Dalek translation, Ka Faraq Gatri) and the Valeyard from The Trial Of A Time Lord, an enigmatic “future aspect” of the Doctor which was, in his only appearance in 1986, said to fall somewhere “between the Doctor’s 12th and final regeneration”.

LogBook entry & review by Earl Green