Short, sweet, to the point

I had originally started writing quite a rant about the attempted assassination of Rep. Giffords, and the pointless murder of six other people who just happened to be nearby. But then I realized that I was spending whole paragraphs saying what could be better said with less flowery language. So here goes.

I liked America better when we were in the business of toppling dangerous extremists instead of breeding them.

Segments of our society are in dire danger of becoming the very kind of crazies that, ten years ago, we attributed only to other countries.

More and more Americans are becoming the kind people we used to hate. Because of hate. Because of an excess of propaganda and filtering (from both sides, I might add) and an absolute vacuum of rational, reasoned thought and debate.

This needs fixing. Let’s not let the deaths of these six people be in vain. The whole country needs to sit down and have a chat about this.

Or do we just sit around and wait until it happens again?

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