I do not know what this means

I had a weird-ass dream last night. I do not know what it means. I should specify that my subconscious chose to ooze this one out in one of the brief bursts of REM sleep that I had between little E’s outbursts last night (he’s not feeling great). This dream happened between 5am and 8am this morning.

See if you can follow me on this one.

I dreamed that I took a dinner break from work (which never happens, because I’m not on a shift where I have a dinner break, and there’s no one to take over for me in the event that I need to leave anyway), leaving tonight’s episode of Baywatch (which the station I work for has never, ever shown) in someone else’s capable hands.

On my dinner break (which never happens), I went to K-Mart (which no longer exists around here) and found a stash of hard-to-find Atari 7800 cartridges (which I no longer collect) still in the box. I took my sweet time pondering which ones to get and headed back to work, electronic loot in hand.

When I get back to work (which it’s impossible for me to leave) with my Atari 7800 cartridges (no) from K-Mart (which is closed), I find that Baywatch (which we don’t show) has been left unattended; the end credits have rolled and there’s a control track break and you can see what was recorded on that tape before…

…which happens to be an ID graphic for Fox 46 (which also no longer exists) featuring Babylon 5 (which never happened – I used to make all of the ID graphics for Fox 46, and there was never one featuring B5, which was, shall we put it politely, far from the station management’s favorite show).

Reasonable question: does this whole thing actually happen in the past at Fox? No. The station that’s showing Baywatch, and the station that I come back to, only to discover that the place was left unattended so we aired God-only-knows-what-was-on-the-Baywatch-tape-for-commercial-breaks, is definitely the station where I work now. Following this thing to its logical extremes (never a good idea with a dream), Fox 46 never had DVCpro tapes – the format didn’t exist back then. (How a 46 ID would get on a DVCpro tape, I have no idea.)

Quickie interpretation: does this mean that my current station has become as chewing-gum-and-bailing-wire rickety as Fox was? (I’d totally accept that interpretation.)

What the hell do K-Mart and Atari 7800 and Babylon 5 have to do with it?

Oh, wait: K-Mart, Atari 7800, Babylon 5 and Baywatch and Fox 46 are all extinct entities.



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  1. 3

    BTW, pics or it didn’t happen! 😀 After all, as far as I know, you’re just making this stuff up because you couldn’t think up a topic for the blog. If only they would perfect that device that could scan your dreams and upload them to your computer. USB compatible, of course (or Bluetooth, even).

  2. 4

    Thank goodness such a thing DOESN’T exist. Or there’d be bootleg copies all over the ‘net of the dream I had that one time about a giant purple hippo jumping over a river, David Bowie in a limo, a reporter I used to work with, a dilapidated camcorder, and a Moment of Artistic Significance.

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