The kind of things I think about, part 372

You might think that it takes a team of expert mountaineers with world-class climbing gear to conquer the Matterhorn, but I got to thinking about it and there’s a simpler way to conquer the Matterhorn… just crash the Antimatterhorn into it. Problem solved.

I’m not the kind of guy who needs a flashy sports car that can transform into a giant killer robot. I drive a station wagon that, on certain very rare occasions when the electrical wiring is up for it, transforms into an economy-sized, fuel-efficient robot. (If the wiring isn’t up for it, it just stalls.) Anything more than that would be showing off.

That’s it for today. Obviously I need more sleep. If you’d like to contribute to my caffiene replenishment fund, you know where to find me.

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  1. 1

    I read a while back that when the Universe was created via the big bang, there were equal parts of matter and antimatter and they quickly proceed to annihilate each other producing an even bigger bang. Well, not exactly equal parts of matter and anti-mater. Turns out that there was slightly more matter than antimatter in the universe (like %1 or less) and what consists of our universe now is what survived that massive matter/antimatter explosion (the bigger bang).

    So, extending that logic (weirdly) into your Matterhorn statement, I submit that there will still be 1% (or less) of the original Matterhorn left that you’ll have to climb. The Matterhorn’s prominence (the distance from the base of the mountain to it’s summit) is only about 3,400 feet so you would only need to climb 34 feet to conquer what’s left of the Matterhorn. However, the base of the Matterhorn is at 11,000 feet so you’ll be out of breath for the duration of that climb.

    That’s the kind of things I think about. Scarey, huh?

  2. 3

    There’s a lift at the Matterhorn? D’oh! Think of all the time, equipment, money and – most important of all – lives saved if they just took the elevator!

    Personally, I would prefer the escalator up the Matterhorn. More scenic.

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