
OVGE ’09 status report

OVGE is less than 48 hours away, and I’ve finally got the legendary OVGE price list ready for all the stuff I’ll be selling; you can read or download the PDF version of it here. Hey, it’s a PDF .pdf!

I’ve also gotten confirmation that the DVDs have arrived in Ohio for CCAG; if you’re going to be in Cleveland this Saturday, go see everyone at CCAG. There’ll be old video games aplenty, up and running (and for sale too, of course!).

I’ve spent this week and much of last week getting ready for OVGE full-time; literally all that’s left to do on my end is print the above price lists for folks to pick up from my table, pack up the car, pick up Kent at some ungodly hour of the morning, and head west. I guarantee plenty of fun for those who head west at a marginally more godly hour to visit the show. 😆

Leave your troubles and your swine flu paranoia behind, and catch some Pac-Man fever. See you there!Read more