I just thought you’d like to know that

liquid Q*Bert delivered hot - or at least disturbingly warm - and fresh to your doorOne of my antibiotics that I’m on turns my pee orange. And my sweat too. We’re talking bright orange. Melt down Q*Bert, pour him in the toilet, that’s what it looks like. Complete with @#%&*!.

Now there’s a point to this story. I went Sunday after my first doctor’s visit to procure the aforementioned orange-pee antibiotic from Walgreen’s. There were two pharmacists on duty, an older guy and a younger lady. He briefed me on side-effects, and as he was doing this she was walking toward the counter. His litany of affected bodily fluids got to “If you wear contacts, this’ll stain your contacts orange. If you sweat, it’ll stain your underwear orange.” To which I replied, “Well, I don’t wear contacts. But I do wear underwear.” [pause] “Most of the time.”

At the sound of that statement, the lady pharmacist very quickly turned on her heel and went back the other way. 😆 I went to the same store today to pick up more crap that had been prescribed to me, and lo and behold, she stayed right away from me for some reason…

I’m listening to the new “Peter Gabriel & Friends” album, and so help me, first thing on the album is one of these tracks that I’ve been wondering about for years, featuring Tim Finn. Actually, featuring Tim and Andy White, which might date their contributions back to their brief collaboration as ALT (Andy, Liam O’Maonlai, Tim) in the mid-90s. Given that not all of the songs on the album even feature Gabriel himself, my first impression was that some of these tracks were very literally dusted off so they could find a home somewhere. I’m not saying that the “guest artist” tracks are necessarily bad, but it’s perhaps not what you’re expecting when you’re enough of a fan that the words “new Peter Gabriel album” trigger that Pavlovian buying response. I also notice that there’s a lot of Karl Wallinger (World Party) on here – and rather fewer of Gabriel’s usual session players. And “Burn Me Up, Burn Me Down” finally gets a proper release…even though it was finished at the time of Up and damn well would’ve been a better lead single. Sorry, I know I’ve said that before. I’m just bitter.

And orange. Yes. Bitter and very, very orange.

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