And the verdict is…arrrrrgh.

Be warned, it’s been one of those days.

First stop is Evan’s doctor’s appointment today, his routine 9-month checkup. Basically, he’s fine, but his height is in the 120th percentile, and the proportion of his head to the rest of his body is off the scale – or so the doctors say. They want him back next Tuesday for a CT scan, for which they’ll probably have to sedate him, because they seem to suspect fluid on the brain. Now, setting aside for the moment that I’m not crazy about giving any kind of sedative to a 9-month-old baby, my gut instinct is that the doctors are getting a big trigger-happy here. I don’t exactly have a small head myself – if my belly wasn’t the biggest thing visible on me, my head might seem a little out of proportion too. I think Evan’s just got a great big brain in there and he’s going to be scary smart – way smarter than me, which isn’t really saying much, because I sometimes feel as though lack of energy + lack of sleep = reducing my brain to the size of that of a prawn. I’m trying to stay rational about this whole thing, but it’s hard to keep that perspective when someone’s making dire predictions about your child.

Not improving my mood is the fact that I watched helplessly as the contents of an entire Memory Stick Pro Duo vanished this morning; I use these for only one thing, taking digital photos, and this one in particular contained most of the photos I’d taken since the beginning of this year, only about half of which I had copied to my hard drive. So I’m probably missing at least three months worth of pictures of Evan, Othello, you name it. Now, here’s the catch: if you look at the properties on this memory stick, which is 256 megs, only 74-odd megs are open – the data is still there, somewhere, but I can’t retrieve it either via my memory stick reader on the PC, or with the camera itself. If anyone knows any tricks on retrieving that stuff, I’d be eternally grateful.

To make matters even worse, The Man With The Screaming Brain is on right now, which, if it isn’t the worst movie made in the past ten years, it’s gotta be in the top ten at the very least. Quite what anyone who knowingly signed up to appear in this turkey might’ve been thinking is anyone’s guess, and it did some serious damage to Bruce Campbell’s hit points, which even the Old Spice ads and Burn Notice barely healed. Bruce. Buddy. What did we, the viewing public, ever do to you to deserve such abuse?

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  1. 1

    I wish I knew of a memory stick trick for you. I lost one earlier this year myself. I lucked out; I only use mine for transporting data, not storing it.

    As for the kid’s head … I wouldn’t lose an ounce of sleep. Mason was off the chart for pretty much everything — height, weight, and yes, head circumference. I found early on that the amount of tests performed was directly relational to how good our insurance was. At one point they decided Mason might have hearing problems, which is completely stupid. We caved and had a hearing test done (no problems found). I honestly believe that’s how these places stay in business — preying on the fears of parents and bilking insurance companies in the process.

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