Ice, ice, baby.

I was trying to explain to someone out of state recently the challenges of winter weather as it pertains to living in the boonies in Arkansas. I told him it was probably an exaggeration, but it seems like there are only three snowplows in the state, and if you’re not the Governor or the Chancellor of the U of A, you’re going to be waiting a while for that third one. Like I said, a slight exaggeration. Or…maybe not so much.

We’re getting freezing rain and sleet dumped on us right now, and as we’re in that little rural county north of Fort Smith, that means we’re pretty much SOL. I live in a very off-the-beaten-path location on the side of a mountain, so there’s no getting out of the house tomorrow unless you’re the dog. I was driving home from a grocery run tonight, getting essential supplies for all of us before we got socked in, and on my way home the bridges were already bad enough that I almost deposited Jan’s vehicle, full of groceries and myself, off a bridge and into a creek. That wouldn’t have been good. Fortunately I kept it on the road, though not exactly gracefully, and got home…and so here we all stay tomorrow.

Fortunately, I get to hang out in the room full of warm rope lights and a video editing system that practically heats this side of the house. And I get to hang out there with this guy:


…who is blissfully unaware of what’s going on outside as he hides behind that little gadget on the tray table of his swinging chair. As long as ice doesn’t accumulate on power lines, I think we’ll just keep it that way.

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  1. 1

    I’ve been bitching about the cold weather for the past 2 days — last night’s outside wait for the bus was not fun. I don’t like winters, I’m made for a place like Seattle or Vancouver, where it’s fall most of the year.

    Oh, and very cute pic of Evan. He’s definitely a photogenic baby!

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