Super mega hardcore journalism

I am so glad that is here to enrich my days with headlines like this:

Bend it like you're being eaten by a fucking dinosaur, dude.

If CNN keeps this sort of thing up, the Onion’s going to be driven out of business.

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  1. 1
    Dave Thomer

    In all fairness, that’s a wire service story from Reuters’ science feed. I prefer the original Retuers headline:

    T-rex versus Beckham? Sorry, David, you’re lunch.

    The actual research described in the article does sound kinda interesting, although I have no flippin’ clue how groundbreaking it is.

    I admit, when I saw the headline to this post I was wondering if you were going to be commenting on that Anchorwoman series. 🙂

  2. 2

    Who knew Marc Bolan was so fast?

    Seriously, though, I think this is probably some kind of weak, heavy-handed attempt to keep the news “relevant”. Probably under the same heading as why we find such “news” about Paris, Nicole, et al. in our paper.

  3. 3

    T-rex versus Beckham? Sorry, David, you’re lunch.

    This reminds me of my own days in the newsroom. A frequent-flyer story in this area, for whatever reason, was some idiot trying to get over the railroad crossing just before a train went through it, and not quite making it, sometimes in spectacularly fatal fashion.

    In the content management system for the station’s web site, it used to be that video clips could be named anything, because those filenames never actually appeared anywhere that the public could see them. You’d built a text story page to point toward the video, and that would be what folks would actually see.

    Anytime such a story came up, I would always title the video something like “CAR VS. TRAIN – CAR LOSES” or “TRAIN 1, CAR 0”. Not long before I left, a new system was instituted because the video titles would be visible to the web-browsing public.

    Assuming the video clips had a long lifetime, I’ve often wondered if any of my humorously-titled clips have caused any problems since I left…

  4. 4

    Dave Thomer said:

    I admit, when I saw the headline to this post I was wondering if you were going to be commenting on that Anchorwoman series.

    I just watched that series tonight. Kinda dumb but also mildly entertaining. It helped me understand the kind of crap the non-on-air talent folks like Earl have to go through on a daily basis. I think I’ll program my VCR for that show.

    Oh, about the T-rex and Beckham…old news! We all knew that when Jurassic Park came out! Sheesh.

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