This picture says a lot about how I feel at the moment

A laughable attempt at LOLcat-style humor:
OH NOES u smashed my wikked witch.

That is, of course, Oberon’s butt sticking out from under the newly-moved piece-of-furniture-that-used-to-be-my-dresser.

There was a more fully-rounded entry here at one point, but I’ll just say that the better angels of my nature kicked in and I deleted it a couple of hours later. The reason I haven’t been blogging a lot at this point is that the stress of trying to get the house and everything else just right in time for the baby has left me in a really pissy mood, and I’ve deliberately not been blogging that stuff, because there’s not much point in dragging anyone who’s reading this into my rather dark mental landscape right now. And it’s just not fair. This should be a joyous time.

Anyway, enough said. If I don’t utter another word here until the baby’s born…well, now you know why.

Current crankiness aside, though, Flash Gordon still sucked.

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  1. 2

    I’m afraid I have no pet-meets-furniture mishaps to share. However, I do have some good news which might inject some sunshine in your currently stormy disposition…

    I’ve been reading the Usenet group, and it looks like homebrew game designer Martijn Wenting will be releasing both an operating system and (more importantly) a BASIC compiler for the Vectrex. This should be just the thing to encourage game development on the system.

    It’s been a while, Earl. Hope life has been treating you well despite the stress of your wife’s pregnancy.


  2. 3

    Hey Jess, long time no see. Believe me, the thought of new Vectrex games brightens just about any day you care to name! And BASIC no less. Hmmmmmmmm.

    Maybe the Vectrex needs a port of TAIPAN.

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