Sad Claude

Sad ClaudeThis is Claude the mouse.
Every kid has a favorite toy that they don’t go anywhere without, and kitty kids are no exception. Claude is Olivia’s buddy. In his younger days, Claude was full of catnip and he was Iago’s buddy. Even without catnip though, Claude has made lots of friends in our house – Olivia picks him up in her mouth by one well-worn ear or the other and carries him around with her, like a teddy bear. Oberon likes Claude too – so much that he jumped up on top of my PC while I was trying to get a picture of Claude in a rare peaceful moment. Obviously, there’s no peace for Claude.
Why Claude? Because he’s almost been Claude to pieces between the two kittens.
Oberon really shouldn’t be up there, by the way. Bad kitty! 😯
Oberon in big trouble

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  1. 1

    Why Claude? Because he’s almost been Claude to pieces between the two kittens.
    As I was reading your piece I was wondering why he was called Claude. I should’ve known ahead of time his name was nothing more than a pun.

  2. 3

    You could have given him the name Chewbacca and shorten his name to Chewie.
    Perhaps someday you could provide Claude with a female companion. Call her Carrie (because she gets carried around by the cats).

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