Original Series Season 02 Star Trek

The Gamesters Of Triskelion

Star Trek ClassicStardate 3211.7: A landing party beaming down to the Enterprise’s latest stop is intercepted by a more powerful, long-range transporter beam, which hijacks Kirk, Uhura and Chekov to the planet Triskelion, where they are immediately handed over to various “trainers” to prepare them for their upcoming duties as gladiators to amuse the powerful rulers of the planet. Spock orders the Enterprise to warp to Triskelion to save the landing party but doesn’t realize that the powers-that-be on the planet may want to lure the Enterprise crew there to provide them with even more entertainment.

Order this episode on DVDDownload this episode via Amazon's Unboxwritten by Margaret Armen
directed by Gene Nelson
music not credited

Cast: William Shatner (Captain James T. Kirk), Leonard Nimoy (Mr. Spock), DeForest Kelley (Dr. Leonard McCoy), James Doohan (Mr. Scott), George Takei (Lt. Sulu), Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura), John Ruskin (Galt), Angelique Pettyjohn (Shahna), Steve Sandor (Lars), Jane Ross (Tamoon), Victoria George (Ensign Jana Haines), Dick Crockett (Andorian Thrall), Mickey Norton (Kloog)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Original Series Season 02 Star Trek

A Piece Of The Action

Star Trek ClassicStardate 4598.0: The Enterprise encounters a planet recently visited by another starship and discovers that a book on the Chicago mobs of the 1920s accidentally left behind by a crew member of the previous ship has become the basis of the planet’s society structure over 200 years of the planet’s time (the starship having had warp drive). The intelligent but imitative inhabitants show a keen interest in replacing telephones with communicators and replacing tommy guns with phasers when Kirk, Spock and McCoy – along with their standard Starfleet landing party equipment – are captured.

Order this episode on DVDDownload this episode via Amazon's Unboxteleplay by David P. Harmon and Gene L. Coon
story by David P. Harmon
music not credited

Cast: William Shatner (Captain James T. Kirk), Leonard Nimoy (Mr. Spock), DeForest Kelley (Dr. Leonard McCoy), James Doohan (Mr. Scott), George Takei (Lt. Sulu), Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura), Anthony Caruso (Bela), Victor Tayback (Krako), Lee Delano (Kalo), John Harmon (Tepo), Sheldon Collins (Tough Kid), Dyanne Thorne (First Girl), Sharyn Hillyer (Second Girl), Buddy Garion (Hood), Steve Marlo (Zabo)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Original Series Season 02 Star Trek

The Immunity Syndrome

Star Trek ClassicStardate 4307.1: Spock telepathically receives the collective death cries of the entire all-Vulcan crew of the USS Intrepid, which has just been destroyed by an unknown force. The Enterprise intercepts a gigantic organism, which then surrounds the ship, beginning to cause physical and mental illness among the crew. Kirk, Spock and McCoy surmise that this paradoxically huge single-celled organism may be a “disease,” as its course will soon take it through inhabited star systems. The Enterprise may turn out to be the only “antibody” capable of saving millions from the onslaught of the enormous parasite.

Order this episode on DVDDownload this episode via Amazon's Unboxwritten by Robert Sabaroff
directed by Joseph Pevney
music by Sol Kaplan and Fred Steiner

Cast: William Shatner (Captain James T. Kirk), Leonard Nimoy (Mr. Spock), DeForest Kelley (Dr. Leonard McCoy), James Doohan (Mr. Scott), George Takei (Lt. Sulu), Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura), John Winston (Lt. Kyle), Majel Barrett (Christine Chapel)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Original Series Season 02 Star Trek

A Private Little War

Star Trek ClassicStardate 4211.4: The Enterprise visits a primitive world where the Klingon Empire has armed one faction of people against another in hopes of eliminating the weaker population and allying the stronger warriors with the Klingons. Spock is seriously injured when he, Kirk and McCoy beam down, and is returned to the Enterprise for treatment as Kirk and McCoy try to make contact with the locals. Kirk is injured by an poisonous indigenous animal, but reaches, with McCoy’s help, his old friend Tyree. Tyree’s mystical wife Nona cures Kirk and then pursues him. Kirk and McCoy, in the meantime, may only be able to resolve the unfair advantage between the planet’s two factions by arming Tyree against his people’s Klingon-backed adversaries.

Order this episode on DVDDownload this episode via Amazon's Unboxteleplay by Gene Roddenberry
story by Jud Crucis
directed by Marc Daniels
music by Gerald Fried

Cast: William Shatner (Captain James T. Kirk), Leonard Nimoy (Mr. Spock), DeForest Kelley (Dr. Leonard McCoy), James Doohan (Mr. Scott), George Takei (Lt. Sulu), Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura), Nancy Kovack (Nona), Michael Witney (Tyree), Ned Romero (Krell), Majel Barrett (Nurse Chapel), Booker Bradshaw (Dr. M’Benga), Arthur Bernard (Apella), Janos Prohaska (The Gumato), Paul Baxley (Patrol Leader), Gary Pillard (Yutan)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Original Series Season 02 Star Trek

Return To Tomorrow

Star Trek ClassicStardate 4768.3: The Enterprise visits a planet long thought uninhabited, and finds globes that contain the consciousness of the last survivors of the planet, Sargon, Thalassa and Henoch. The three remaining beings wish to “possess” the bodies of willing Enterprise crew members, leaving the crew members’ minds in the globes briefly as Sargon and his companions use the human bodies to construct android bodies for their minds. Kirk, Spock, and Dr. Mulhall agree to this procedure, but Henoch, occupying Spock’s body, has other plans than building an android frame for himself. In the meantime, Sargon and Thalassa, in the bodies of Kirk and Mulhall, fall in love all over again. One way or another, though, the humans’ bodies must be vacated since their metabolism is incapable of withstanding the levels of activity taken on by Sargon and the others.

Order this episode on DVDDownload this episode via Amazon's Unboxwritten by John Kingsbridge
directed Ralph Serensky
music by George Duning

Cast: William Shatner (Captain James T. Kirk), Leonard Nimoy (Mr. Spock), DeForest Kelley (Dr. Leonard McCoy), James Doohan (Mr. Scott), George Takei (Lt. Sulu), Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura), Diana Muldaur (Dr. Ann Mulhall), Majel Barrett (Christine Chapel), Cindy Lou (Nurse)

Notes: Diana Muldaur made a later appearance (as a different character) in Star Trek’s third season, and then replaced Gates McFadden during the second season of Star Trek: The Next Generation, playing Dr. Katherine Pulaski.

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Original Series Season 02 Star Trek

Patterns of Force

Star Trek ClassicStardate 2534.0: On arrival at Ekos, the Enterprise is the target of a nuclear missile attack, a technology which didn’t exist the last time a Federation ship visited the planet. Kirk and Spock beam down to investigate, discovering that the government on Ekos has been transformed into a Nazi police state which came about when Federation teacher John Gill tried to simply increase the efficiency of the government on Ekos. Gill is now under the control of the people he has tried to educate, and anyone who tries to reveal the truth about Gill or rescue him – including Kirk and Spock – are hunted men.

Order this episode on DVDDownload this episode via Amazon's Unboxwritten by John Meredyth Lucas
directed by Vincent McEveety
music by George Duning

Cast: William Shatner (Captain James T. Kirk), Leonard Nimoy (Mr. Spock), DeForest Kelley (Dr. Leonard McCoy), James Doohan (Mr. Scott), George Takei (Lt. Sulu), Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura), Richard Evans (Isak), Valora Noland (Daras), Skip Homeier (Melakon), David Brian (John Gill), Patrick Horgan (Eneg), William Wintersole (Abrom), Gilbert Green (S.S. Major), Ralph Maurer (S.S. Lieutenant), Ed McCready (S.S. Trooper), Peter Canon (Gestapo Lieutenant), Paul Baxley (First Trooper), Chuck Courtney (Davod), Bart LaRue (Newscaster)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Original Series Season 02 Star Trek

By Any Other Name

Star Trek ClassicStardate 4657.5: The Enterprise responds to a distress call, finding only a trap set by a small group of aliens from the Andromeda galaxy who are assessing the potential of the Federation’s home galaxy for colonization. The aliens successfully take over the ship, reducing all aboard except for Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Scotty to dehydrated cubes so the ship’s supply of food and oxygen can be used by the hijackers and Kirk’s command crew for the staggering 300-year return to Andromeda. The aliens, having assumed human form, also gain attributes such as emotions, which may be just the weakness Kirk and the others need to attack to regain control of the Enterprise.

Order this episode on DVDDownload this episode via Amazon's Unboxteleplay by D.C. Fontana and Jerome Bixby
story by Jerome Bixby
directed by Marc Daniels
music by Fred Steiner

Cast: William Shatner (Captain James T. Kirk), Leonard Nimoy (Mr. Spock), DeForest Kelley (Dr. Leonard McCoy), James Doohan (Mr. Scott), George Takei (Lt. Sulu), Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura), Warren Stevens (Rojan), Barbara Bouchet (Kelinda), Majel Barrett (Christine Chapel), Stewart Moss (Hanar), Robert Fortier (Tomar), Lezlie Dalton (Drea), Carl Byrd (Lt. Shea), Julie Cobb (Yeoman)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Original Series Season 02 Star Trek

The Omega Glory

Star Trek ClassicStardate not given: The missing starship Exeter is spotted in orbit of an inhabited planet. Kirk, Spock and McCoy board the Exeter, finding only the remains of the crew, wiped out by a disease which likely affects the boarding party now. Transporting to the planet, Kirk finds that Captain Tracey of the Exeter escaped his crew’s fate, and the atmosphere on the planet is capable of eliminating the disease from the Enterprise landing party’s bloodstreams. But more problems arise as Tracey discards his loyalty to the prime directive in an attempt to gain power in the planet’s government.

Order this episode on DVDDownload this episode via Amazon's Unboxwritten by Gene Roddenberry
directed by Vincent McEveety
music not credited

Cast: William Shatner (Captain James T. Kirk), Leonard Nimoy (Mr. Spock), DeForest Kelley (Dr. Leonard McCoy), James Doohan (Mr. Scott), George Takei (Lt. Sulu), Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura), Morgan Woodward (Captain Tracey), Roy Jenson (Cloud William), Irene Kelly (Sirah), Morgan Farley (Yang Scholar), David L. Ross (Lt. Galloway), Lloyd Kino (Wu), Ed McCready (Dr. Carter), Frank Atienza (Kohm Villager)

Notes: This was one of three pilot scripts originally proposed to launch Star Trek, and was generally considered the weakest of the three; in their book “Inside Star Trek”, original Trek producers Herb Solow and Bob Justman admit to having stroked Gene Roddenberry’s ego by telling him that NBC executives liked The Omega Glory more than the other pilot scripts that was presented.

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Original Series Season 02 Star Trek

The Ultimate Computer

Star Trek ClassicStardate 4729.4: Kirk is ordered to relinquish command of the Enterprise to Dr. Daystrom’s new M-5 computer, which, according to Daystrom, can make all the decisions that a starship captain would encounter correctly and more quickly than any human. The Enterprise, with Kirk and a few others aboard, is engaged in Starfleet wargames, but the M-5 begins to treat the other ships as a serious threat and retaliates with full salvos of phasers and photon torpedoes, destroying one ship. Believing Kirk may have lost his mind, Starfleet gives the remaining ships permission to destroy the Enterprise.

Order this episode on DVDDownload this episode via Amazon's Unboxteleplay by D.C. Fontana
story by Laurence N. Wolfe
directed by John Meredyth Lucas
music by Sol Kaplan and Fred Steiner

Star TrekCast: William Shatner (Captain James T. Kirk), Leonard Nimoy (Mr. Spock), DeForest Kelley (Dr. Leonard McCoy), James Doohan (Mr. Scott), George Takei (Lt. Sulu), Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura), William Marshall (Dr. Daystrom), Sean Morgan (Harper), Barry Russo (Commodore Wesley)

Notes: Dr. Daystrom’s disastrous experiment with the M-5 didn’t completely tarnish his legacy; there are numerous references in Star Trek: The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine and Voyager to the Federation’s Daystrom Institute of Technology.

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Original Series Season 02 Star Trek

Bread And Circuses

Star Trek ClassicStardate 4040.7: Trying to track down the crew of the downed Federation starship Beagle, Kirk, Spock and McCoy arrive on a planet populated by a society that mixes savage ancient practices with 20th century technology. Enemies of the Roman Empire-like state are rounded up and forced to participate in televised coliseum battles. Kirk and Spock briefly encounter a peaceful group of people, but all are captured and prepared for their duels – including one event which will pit Spock against McCoy. Kirk must hope that he and his landing party can survive long enough for help to arrive from the Enterprise.

Order this episode on DVDDownload this episode via Amazon's Unboxwritten by Gene Roddenberry & Gene L. Coon
directed by Ralph Serensky
music not credited

Cast: William Shatner (Captain James T. Kirk), Leonard Nimoy (Mr. Spock), DeForest Kelley (Dr. Leonard McCoy), James Doohan (Mr. Scott), George Takei (Lt. Sulu), Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura), William Smithers (Merik), Logan Ramsey (Claudius), Ian Wolfe (Septimus), William Bramley (Policeman), Rhodes Reason (Flavius), Bart LaRue (Announcer), Jack Perkins (Master of Games), Max Kleven (Maximus), Lois Jewell (Drusilla)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Original Series Season 02 Star Trek

Assignment: Earth

Star Trek ClassicStardate not given: After warping back in time to the late 20th century for a glimpse of Earth’s past, the Enterprise intercepts a mysterious man who simply calls himself Gary Seven. Although Gary and his ever-present black cat Isis appear like inhabitants of the 20th century, Gary knows what kind of ship he is on and recognizes Spock as a Vulcan, and ascertains that the Enterprise is from the 23rd century. Gary Seven evades security officers and resumes his journey to Earth. Kirk and Spock assume 20th century disguises and pursue him, finding that Gary is a time traveler from the future who is here to influence Earth’s history – but whether or not his influence will be benign is another question altogether.

Order this episode on DVDDownload this episode via Amazon's Unboxteleplay by Art Wallace
story by Gene Roddenberry and Art Wallace
directed by Marc Daniels
music not credited

Cast: William Shatner (Captain James T. Kirk), Leonard Nimoy (Mr. Spock), DeForest Kelley (Dr. Leonard McCoy), James Doohan (Mr. Scott), George Takei (Lt. Sulu), Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura), Robert Lansing (Gary Seven), Teri Garr (Roberta Lincoln), Don Keefer (Cromwell), Lincoln Demyan (Sergeant), Morgan Jones (Col. Nesvig), Bruce Mars (First Policeman), Ted Gehring (Second Policeman), Paul Baxley (Security Chief)

Notes: At the time Assignment: Earth was written, Gene Roddenberry was uncertain that Star Trek would make it to a third season. Indeed, there was every indication that it wouldn’t, though a major fan letter-writing campaign to NBC helped save the show. In any case, Roddenberry was hedging his bets for future employment by trying to create a series based on Gary Seven, Isis and Ms. Lincoln – making this the first attempt at a Star Trek spinoff.

LogBook entry by Earl Green