The Blood Line

TorchwoodFollowing Jack’s blood, the two Torchwood teams close in on the two locations on the surface of the Earth where the Blessing is exposed. Both locations are heavily guarded by members of the three families who obtained Jack’s blood in the early 20th century, and their influence spreads around the world, with agents within the CIA and the Argentine military. Jack reluctantly allows Rex to bring the resources of the CIA in on the operation, but only on the condition that Torchwood’s presence in Shanghai is kept secret, but this only allows the families to have advance warning of Rex and Esther’s presence in South America. Jack and Gwen confront the families in Shanghai and learns the true nature of the Blessing: it’s a life form that exists beneath Earth’s surface, adjusting a morphic field whose presence Jack has been theorizing since the miracle began and gradually extending the average life span of the human race. By deliberately introducing Jack’s immortal blood to the Blessing, the families have altered the nature of life completely. But Jack has a weapon that can restore mortality the human race: now the last mortal man on the planet, he’s willing to shed his own blood to save humanity. Unknown to Jack, Rex has a secret weapon flowing through his veins as well, unwilling to leave anything to chance. But restoring the human race’s ability to die will have a terrible cost.

Order the DVDsDownload this episodewritten by Jane Espenson and Russell T. Davies
story by Russell T. Davies
with thanks to Chris Chibnall
directed by Billy Gierhart
music by Murray Gold and Stu Kennedy

Cast: John Barrowman (Captain Jack Harkness), Eve Myles (Gwen Cooper), Mekhi Phifer (Rex Matheson), Alexa Havins (Esther Drummond), Kai Owen (Rhys Williams), Bill Pullman (Oswald Danes), Lauren Ambrose (Jilly Kitzinger), Candace Brown (Charlotte Willis), Sharon Morgan (Mary Cooper), William Thomas (Geraint Cooper), Marina Benedict (), Paul James (), John de Lancie (Shapiro), Tom Price (Sgt. Andy Davidson), Teddy Sears (), Frances Fisher (The Mother), Benito Martinez (Captain Santos), Chris Butler (The Cousin), McKenzie Applegate (Girl), Veronica Diaz, Noemi del Rio (Sandra Morales), Fernando Fernandez (Young Male Soldier), Cici Lau (Chinese Woman), Laura Waddell (Cat One Nurse)

The Blood LineNotes: Benito Martinez joins Miracle Day’s other Star Trek veterans; he appeared in the premiere episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation’s final season, and appeared in Firefly as well. There are numerous callbacks to Russell T. Davies’ era of Doctor Who here, most obviously the “What? What!? What?!?” catchphrase that was common in David Tennant’s season finales. Jack mentions the Doctor, the Silurians and the Racnoss in connection with the Blessing before admitting that he’s speculating wildly.

LogBook entry by Earl Green