Original Series Season 03 Star Trek

The Tholian Web

Star Trek ClassicStardate 5693.2: Searching for the missing starship Defiant, the Enterprise eventually finds the lost ship enshrouded in a strange glow. A landing party beams aboard, finding that the entire crew of the Defiant went mad and murdered one another. While Kirk and the landing party inspect the Defiant, they notice the ship’s solid surface are becoming ghost-like, while the crew of the Enterprise see the Defiant fading away. With the Enterprise’s transporters confused by the fading, Kirk waits while the others beam back, but he cannot be retrieved as the Defiant disappears. Waiting for the next “interphase” during which the Defiant might return to the Enterprise’s dimension, members of the crew begin to go insane, like the Defiant’s crew. To make matters worse, a Tholian vessel arrives, and its commander refuses to believe that the Enterprise is assisting a damaged ship since the ship in question has disappeared. Tholians begin to weave a web of energy around the Enterprise, holding the ship in place as more of the crew lose their minds, and Spock and McCoy debate Spock’s ability to command in Kirk’s absence.

Order this episode on DVDDownload this episode via Amazon's Unboxwritten by Judy Burns and Chet Richards
directed by Herb Wallerstein
music by Fred Steiner

Guest Cast: James Doohan (Mr. Scott), George Takei (Lt. Sulu), Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura), Walter Koenig (Chekov), Majel Barrett (Nurse Chapel), Sean Morgan (Lt. O’Neil)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Original Series Season 03 Star Trek

Plato’s Stepchildren

Star Trek ClassicStardate 5784.0: The Enterprise is summoned urgently to assist the seriously ill Parmen, head of the planet Platonius. After McCoy manages to give Parmen the necessary elixirs, Parmen and his fellow Platonians use immense telekinetic powers to force Kirk, McCoy and Spock to stay on the planet and behave as puppets to Parmen’s whim for their amusement. The only Platonian showing disgust at the others’ abuse of their power is Alexander, but he is also apparently the only Platonian incapable of telekinesis, and he cannot assist the landing party as they try to escape Parmen’s control.

Order this episode on DVDDownload this episode via Amazon's Unboxwritten by Meyer Dolinsky
directed by David Alexander
music by Alexander Courage

Guest Cast: James Doohan (Mr. Scott), George Takei (Lt. Sulu), Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura), Walter Koenig (Chekov), Michael Dunn (Alexander), Liam Sullivan (Parmen), Barbara Babcock (Philana), Majel Barrett (Nurse Chapel), Ted Scott (Eraclitus), Derek Partridge (Dionyo)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Original Series Season 03 Star Trek

Wink Of An Eye

Star Trek ClassicStardate 5710.5: When a landing party investigating Scalos begins to vanish one by one, Kirk, Spock and McCoy try to find out what is happening before more of the crew disappears, until Kirk himself is abducted. Kirk finds the cause to be a group of endangered Scalosians who move faster than human sight or hearing can detect. They need to repopulate their species, and find that speeding human males up to Scalosian speed will meet their needs. Kirk must find a way to get a message to Spock and McCoy, who are working on a cure for the mystery “ailment,” as well as stirring up fighting among the Scalosians, before they have control of the Enterprise.

Order this episode on DVDDownload this episode via Amazon's Unboxteleplay by Arthur Heinemann
story by Lee Cronin
directed by Jud Taylor
music by Alexander Courage

Guest Cast: James Doohan (Mr. Scott), George Takei (Lt. Sulu), Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura), Walter Koenig (Chekov), Kathie Browne (Deela), Jason Evers (Rael), Majel Barrett (Nurse Chapel), Erik Holland (Ekor), Geoffrey Binney (Compton)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Original Series Season 03 Star Trek

The Empath

Star Trek ClassicStardate 5121.0: Kirk, Spock and McCoy search for two missing scientists on a planet whose sun is about to explode, but they only find visual logs that show the scientists disappearing. Then the landing party disappears as well, finding themselves trapped by two aliens who snatched the scientists away and experimented on them until they died. The aliens now have Kirk, Spock, McCoy, and a mute empath nicknamed “Gem” by the landing party in their custody, and the captors seem to be intent on repeating the same deadly experiments on their new specimens.

Order this episode on DVDDownload this episode via Amazon's Unboxwritten by Joyce Muskat
directed by John Erman
music by George Duning

Guest Cast: James Doohan (Mr. Scott), George Takei (Lt. Sulu), Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura), Walter Koenig (Chekov), Kathryn Hays (Gem), Alan Bergmann (Lal), Davis Roberts (Dr. Ozaba), Jason Wingreen (Dr. Linke), Willard Sage (Thann)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Original Series Season 03 Star Trek

Elaan Of Troyius

Star Trek ClassicStardate 4372.5: The Enterprise is ordered to ferry Ambassador Petri of Troyius to up the dohlman of Troyius’s sworn enemy, the world of Elas. The dohlman turns out to be Elaan, one of the most striking examples of the women of Elas, whose tears, according to legend, leave any man susceptible to her charms. Petri’s duty on the slow voyage back to Troyius is to train the savage Elaan in the more civilized ways of the Troyians, a lesson she does not willingly take on. After stabbing Petri, throwing numerous tantrums, and ordering her guards to refuse Kirk permission to resolve any disputes, Elaan sheds a tear, which infects Kirk, clouding his judgement at precisely the wrong time when a Klingon warship enters the sector.

Order this episode on DVDDownload this episode via Amazon's Unboxwritten by John Meredyth Lucas
directed by John Meredyth Lucas
music by Fred Steiner

Guest Cast: James Doohan (Mr. Scott), George Takei (Lt. Sulu), Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura), Walter Koenig (Chekov), Frances Nuyen (Elaan), Jay Robinson (Petri), Tony Young (Kryton), Majel Barrett (Nurse Chapel), Lee Duncan (Evans), Victor Brandt (Wilson), Dick Durock (Guard #1), Charles Beck (Guard #2), K.L. Smith (Klingon)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Classic Season 06 Doctor Who

The Krotons

Doctor WhoMoments after the Doctor, Zoe and Jamie leave the safe confines of the TARDIS to explore a seemingly hospitable planet, a hulking robotic attacker assails the time machine – causing it to disappear on its own! The Doctor reassures his companions that it’s merely the TARDIS’ automatic defense system in operation, and they continue exploring until they find a peaceful people known as the Gonds. At a certain age, young Gonds undergo an intelligence test; those who pass are permitted to serve the Krotons, a crystalline-based species that rules over them – and the same creatures who attacked the TARDIS. On a whim, Zoe takes the test and ranks highly, assuring her of a place among the Krotons, and the Doctor, fearing for her life, takes the same test, naturally scoring off the scale. Once they are taken to the Krotons, the Doctor and Zoe must figure out how to rid the Gonds of their “benevolent” overlords, for not everyone who has passed the intelligence test has lived to tell the tale – keeping the general populace docile, and robbing them of the curiosity that could lead them to defeat the Krotons.

Order this story on DVDwritten by Robert Holmes
directed by David Maloney
music by Brian Hodgson

Guest Cast: James Copeland (Selris), Gilbert Wynne (Thara), Terence Brown (Abu), Madeleine Mills (Vana), Philip Madoc (Eelek), Richard Ireson (Axus), James Cairncross (Beta), Maurice Selwyn (Custodian), Bronson Shaw (Student), Robert La Bassiere, Miles Northover, Robert Grant (Krotons), Roy Skelton, Patrick Tull (Kroton voices)

Broadcast from December 28, 1968 through January 18, 1968

LogBook entry & review by Earl Green