Bust open that blister bubble

(Wow, that sounds nasty, now that I look at it. I mean the blister bubbles that seal action figures to their cards. Ick. What were you thinking!?)

Work on the WordPress conversion of the site’s Toybox section is finally complete, and it’s ready for your browsing pleasure. That’s the third major section of the site this year to be completely converted into its new database format this year, which certainly makes me happy. Consider this my Father’s Day present to all the dads and dads-to-be out there around my age who grew up with this stuff. You might also notice the “random fictional toy store photo of the moment” – which I discussed taking something like a year ago. Yeesh. That didn’t take much time, did it? 😆 All of the video segments from the old Toybox section have made the transition, and, of course, the beautiful thing about WP is that I’ve already got new stuff written and photographed that’ll post itself at the appointed hour, right on cue, between now and the end of the year. I can also safely predict that last year’s Christmas tree went over so well that it’ll be back this year…with a lot more toys under it. (And perhaps a more attractive star for the top of the tree…)

Enjoy the new section. And hey, let’s be careful out there.

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