Alf Season 1

ALF (Pilot)

ALFAn alien spacecraft crash-lands in a suburban neighborhood, in the yard of one Willie Tanner, who pulls one furry alien creature out of the wreckage. The creature, who he names ALF (for “Alien Life Form”), survived the crash, and gets to know Willie, his wife Kate, and their two children. He’s eager to get to know the Tanners’ cat, Lucky, since the people of Melmac (ALF’s planet) eat cats. In fact, ALF is so friendly, he decides to make an impression on the Tanners’ nosy neighbor, who in turn calls the Army.

Download this episodewritten by Tom Patchett
directed by Tom Patchett
music by Alf Clausen

ALFCast: Max Wright (Willie Tanner), Anne Schedeen (Kate Tanner), Andrea Elson (Lynn Tanner), Benji Gregory (Brian Tanner), Liz Sheridan (Mrs. Ochmonek), John LaMotta (Mr. Ochmonek), Frank McCarthy (Army Officer)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Alf Season 1

Strangers In The Night

ALFThe Tanners have a busy social calendar, and have to find a babysitter. ALF volunteers, but what with his being an alien from another planet and all, Willie and Kate have reservations. Their nosy neighbor, Mrs. Ochmoneks is drafted into babysitting duty… and ALF is told to stay in an upstairs bedroom and not make a single noise. But ALF wants pizza, and he wants it delivered…and the last thing the Tanners want anyone to know is that they’re offering refuge to a furry space alien.

Download this episodewritten by Thad Mumford & Paul Fusco
directed by Peter Bonerz
music by Alf Clausen

ALFCast: Max Wright (Willie Tanner), Anne Schedeen (Kate Tanner), Andrea Elson (Lynn Tanner), Benji Gregory (Brian Tanner), Larry Hankin (Burglar), Lisle Wilson (Policeman), Marc Levine (Pizza Delivery), Liz Sheridan (Mrs. Ochmonek), John LaMotta (Trevor Ochmonek)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Alf Season 1

Looking For Lucky

ALFLucky, the Tanners’ cat, has been on ALF’s radar since he landed on Earth, but he has agreed not to eat any family members. When Lucky turns up missing, however, the Tanners automatically suspect their alien house guest, and there seems to be little ALF can do but pack up and leave. But he’s so fond of the family – and even their cat – that he sets out to find Lucky and bring him home…until he gets mistaken for a stray pet himself.

Download this episodewritten by Bob Bendetson & Howard Bendetson
directed by Peter Bonerz
music by Alf Clausen

ALFCast: Max Wright (Willie Tanner), Anne Schedeen (Kate Tanner), Andrea Elson (Lynn Tanner), Benji Gregory (Brian Tanner), Darwin Joston (Dogcatcher), Carrie Lorraine (Heidi), Jed Mills (Heidi’s Dad)

LogBook entry by Earl Green