We got game

Nothin’ fancy going on today – still dealing with a wee bit of very mild food poisoning from the other night’s pork chops. 😕 Needless to day, I’ve been in the bathroom quite a bit. At any rate though, I’ve added a new multimedia page – Game Artwork that I’ve done for various homebrews and repro releases for the Atari consoles and Odyssey2. I realized I’ve built up quite a few of these, so I figured, why not stow ’em all in one place? Those games which are available currently have their artwork marked as such (so no one tries anything funny – not that I’m saying that anyone reading this would do that, but just in case…there’s this thing called Google image search, y’see…) and I heartily encourage you to pick up those games in real live cartridge form. (It’s not like I get a cut of sales or anything, but they just happen to be pretty neat games.) This gallery will expand more as time goes on, seeing as I’ve already been asked in the past week about illustrating another Odyssey game… 😉

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