Dimensions In Time 2: Gallifreyan Boogaloo

Barcelona!!Everyone remember to visit this site tonight to get your first glimpse of the new Doctor Who in action. I have to admit, I’m curious – and Anthony Stewart Head declaring David Tennant “the best Doctor Who since Patrick Troughton” in an interview is almost like throwing down the gauntlet.
Addendum: Having now watched said mini-episode, I have to say it was rather enjoyable. I was surprised that it was as relatively dramatic as it was (it’s still hard to erase the thought of Dimensions In Time from my mind) and not more light-hearted, but whatever gets the pledges and donations in to the worthy chartity in question, that’ll work for me. The hopping bit made me instantly flash back to Tom Baker and Ian Marter skipping rope in Robot, and ya know, if you’ve going to evoke the spectre of a past Doctor, you can probably do much worse than deliberately go for something that makes the viewers think of Tom Baker.
Now there’s just the interminable wait until the unspecified-interval-after-Christmas-when-I-get-a-tape-of-the-Christmas-special-from-Canada. Here’s hoping that the ability to watch this special online isn’t just a one-off fluke. I’d plunk down a little bit of money to watch new Doctor Who adventures immediately after they air – I think the BBC would be stunned at how much money they’d make from outside their own territory with such a service.

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  1. 1
    Dave Thomer

    With the BBC already working on making Doctor Who available to mobile phones and making all of their programs downloadable for 7 days next year, I gotta say it’s sooner rather than later. The only hitch I can foresee is that they won’t want to do it in markets outside the UK because that would bother whoever licenses the programs. (Maybe the CBC will set up a similar program around here.)
    Of course, I hope it looks better than the little RealPlayer clip I watched today. 🙂

  2. 2

    I watched it too, and it was enjoyable indeed, as it blends in seamlessly with the final scene from last season.
    And I see what you mean about the video-tape-from-Canada bit… 😉 The Christmas Invasion episode will be a nice birthday gift from the BBC and the CBC to my mom…
    Glad to see I’m not the only one that keeps on seeing references to Tom Baker — from the obvious (the return of Sarah Jane) to the more obscure (the hopping/skip-roping from Robots, and the Ninth Doctor’s observation of his facial features in the mirror)… This just shows one thing: people may agree or not with the directions taken by Russell T. Davies with the series, but he’s made sure that the fans aren’t left out either. 🙂
    And am I seeing things, or did I also detect a bit of Colin Baker’s post-regeneration self as well in the midst of the Tenth Doctor’s screwed-up regeneration?

  3. 3

    Honestly, I felt there was more of Colin Baker in Eccleston’s portrayal. Those two were easily the harshest personalities when it came to their opinions of humanity – Eccleston’s “stupid apes” schtick (which, y’know, was okay the first couple of times but once I’ve heard it for the sixth episode running, I get the idea already) and I think the sixth Doctor referred to Peri as “you stupid, stupid girl!” on at least a couple of occasions – and this was well after his post-regeneration seizure where he tried to kill her!
    Oddly enough, both Eccleston and Baker are from Manchester. Maybe it’s a Mancunian thing!

  4. 5

    I thought Eccleston was fantastic – he gave that part 150%. I might have made a slight emphasis in some of the writing though. Like I said, I got a little tired of “stupid apes.” We get the idea that he’s alien already, so that gag was kinda jackhammer-subtle.
    But Eccleston himself, I would’ve kept him around for another two or three years if possible. Not that David Tennant’s any slouch.

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