
The Z & C Show
Xena and Chloe are sunbathing together on the deck?

...starring Z & C!
That can only mean one thing – it’s springtime again!
Since it’s still cool during the night, Xena still gets to come into the house from time to time if it gets below 40 degrees.
She’s gotten much bolder about trying to gain access to where her favorite people and pets are – including this attempt to invade the off-limits-to-dogs game room…
Springtime also means I’m spending more time at the farm with the horses, and since it’s warming up, the horses are spending more time with me.
Here are some of the pasture mares grazing and hanging out by the pond. They generally don’t come and bother me while I’m working unless they think there’s a pretty good chance that they’re going to get fed out of the deal.
Krista and Shear
And yeah, I did play around with the colors in these pictures just a little bit…but only in the water! 😉
Hannah’s about to celebrate her fourth birthday.
Someone bake that silly filly a carrot cake!
Sultry grazing and Sultry chowing down at dinner time.
In case you didn’t know, Sultry is “my” horse – she picked me as her person she trusts the most.
Gypsy & Thelma
Meet Gypsy and Thelma, the official “farm dogs.” They follow me everywhere I go when I go to the farm…
…and then they find Girlfriend, a neighbor’s dog who’s about the size of a small bear, and chase her around while I’m busy feeding or scraping stalls. Girlfriend spends more time at my in-laws’ farm than on her family’s own property. But she’s a lot of fun and always welcome.

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