Why buy from theLogBook.com Store?

theLogBook.com StoreIt’s simple – every purchase made from theLogBook.com Store helps to support the site in one of two ways. Purchases made via this store through Amazon.com literally puts cash in the site’s bank account (and yes, the site has its own bank account) which helps to pay for annual renewals of our domain name, our rather sizeable web hosting space and bandwidth, and monthly ISP bills. Anything left over from that goes toward new software to help us make the site look or run better, or add new features (have you noticed all the lovely Flash video?), or buy items to be featured in our
product reviews at a later date. In the extremely unlikely event that anything’s left over from that, we promise to order a pizza.

theLogBook.com belongs to the Associates Program of Amazon.com and its various international branches, and each purchase gives us a commission (how much depends on what you’re buying, how much it costs, if you’re buying new or used, etc.). We’re not going to insist that you buy new books only, or anything like that – we truly and genuinely appreciate every purchase that you make through our site. If you’re an Amazon frequent flyer, we’d even bat our eyelashes suggestively and ask that you consider making any Amazon purchases through our site. But again, we’re not pushy like that. And we’re we’re not budgeted for enough mascara.

The purchases made through any of Amazon’s affiliates outside of the United States are paid in store credit, which allows us to procure CDs, DVDs, books and other goodies from beyond our own borders to feature in future product reviews.