Funny Stuff Television & Movies

To WHO it may concern, GREETINGS!!1!

Who goes thereThe past week or so has been interesting in the world of Doctor Who fandom. Honestly, I’ve almost forgotten that we’re supposed to be taking bets on who replaces Matt Smith at this point. On the off-chance that you’re not really a Doctor Who fan yourself… well, first off, what on Earth are you doing at this web site, which is fairly dripping with Doctor Who?

But, beyond that, all you really need to know is this: during the 1960s, Doctor Who was produced in black & white on video, and the series was made almost year-round to the tune of one 25-minute episode per week. The videotapes were transferred to a more universal medium – film – and sold abroad, often dubbed into the local language. From various points in Europe to the Middle East and beyond, these films were “bicycled” from broadcaster to broadcaster, a practice that was still in force as recently as my early years in the TV biz (I distinctly remember that, at the station where I worked in the early ’90s, episodes of Mama’s Family were bicycled from station to station; no, I don’t know why either).

And then, in the late ’60s, staring down the barrel of an impending change of video format with little reasonable expectation that programs recorded in the older, lower-resolution format could ever be exploited commercially, and knowing that yet a further new format would be introduced in due course (namely, color television), the British Broadcasting Corporation issued internal instructions to its videotape archive: get rid of these old shows. Get rid of everything that isn’t of obvious historic value (such as footage of the Queen’s coronation). In the BBC’s view, there was no point in wasting all of that valuable space to preserve programming which had no commercial future.

If only they’d known. … Read more

Funny Stuff Television & Movies

Tactical disadvantage

Sorry I broke my daily blogging stint there for a bit. I’ve been busy, and I’ve been trying my best not to transmit my annual deep blue Christmas funk to everyone on the internet because, really, who needs it? I don’t even want it. This came dangerously close to curing it, though:

I’ve already suggested, via Twitter, that there may be real money in having Strax here do a whole album of Christmas songs. I was originally trying to persuade William Shatner to do the same, but after seeing this, I have a new mission. 😆… Read more


My Dalek check(ers) bounced!

DalekSeems like it was only a couple of weeks ago that I was announcing Dalek Checkers would be played at my GlitchCon booth – oh wait, it was only a couple of weeks ago – but there’s a bit of bad news: in trying to work out the details of the actual board, I quickly came to the realization that it’d take more than half of the entire table. If this were OVGE, I’d say “hell yeah, buy an extra table just for this!“, but the tables cost four times what they did at OVGE. The idea here was to bring money in by selling books… so that’s gotta take precedence. My apologies for all three people who may be disappointed. 😆

The concept may resurface somewhere down the road, perhaps at OVGE. We’ll see.

I may bring a few display items to GlitchCon, but I’ve gotta keep the focus on the books and DVDs I’m there to sell. (And considering how past OVGE crowds have been about display items that aren’t for sale, I’m not even sure how much of that I plan on doing here.) I don’t want to have a bare table, but I also don’t want what’s on the table to completely obfuscate the fact that I’m trying to sell some books. :p… Read more

Funny Stuff Gaming ToyBox

You’ve never seen a Dalek jump… until now

Showdown at... well... a new locationI think I’ve worked out enough kinks in my Diabolical Plan for an audience participation piece at my Glitchcon table in a few weeks to let you in on it.

First off, it’s all in keeping with the Doctor Who theme, since I’ll be at Glitchcon primarily to sell my lovely little (well… little… 3-pound, almost-400-page) Doctor Who book. Also, and I don’t think I’m spoiling this for anyone since the BBC has already beaten everyone over the head with it, the upcoming season premiere of Doctor Who will feature – for the first time in the new series – every make and model of original series (1963-1989) Dalek that ever menaced the Doctor. This plays with that notion too. … Read more

Write, Write, You Bloody Well Write

On this day in history…

…at least according to the “on this day in history” plugin installed on my blawg, I made the earliest announcement of VWORP!1 (at the time, rather naively known as a potentially-thousand-page book simply called VWORP!), four years ago today.


(That’s funny and fitting: the earliest draft cover used the credit font from the Hartnell era; the completed, released cover uses something quite a bit more current. No, I didn’t plan that.)

These days I do silly things like announce that I’ll have two books of roughly the same size out in the next 18 years months. What can I say? I like a challenge. 😆 … Read more