Home Base Should We Talk About The Weather?

Dashboard Dinner

For the past couple of summers, it’s gotten to be ridiculously hot at this point in the year; the heat index yesterday around here was 120 degrees. Last summer, I decided to stop wasting all of this solar energy that was pouring down on us from above and start putting it to good use. Mission: cooking without adding one iota (either metric or imperial) of heat to the house.

Dashboard dinnerRead more

Critters Funny Stuff Home Base

The dashboard oven is ON

Dinner is cooking in the dashboard oven. Seriously.

Dashboard oven

Why build up excess heat in the house and run up the electric bill? It’ll take a bit more time than the oven would, but it’ll get the job done by the time I need to go get the little guy from daycare.

Or maybe you’d like a hot dog instead?


(Don’t worry, Xena’s doing just fine. Also note nice new window on the front of the house, replacing the one I accidentally blasted a hole through with a projectile thrown by the lawn mower…)… Read more