
Today on the drive to school, it seemed like every other tree we passed unloaded all of its leaves on us at once. I got Little E giggling by saying “Leaves! ATTACK!” in a silly voice every time this happened.

After I dropped him off at school and went to work, I had a little bit of downtime while waiting patiently for software to install, and doodled this for him on half a sheet of paper. I then folded the paper over and addressed the “outside”…



Click here if you’ve really gotta see the full-resolution scan.

You’ll be surprised to hear that this once again made him all giggly. (I should warn you that you can expect the same level of my hasn’t-evolved-a-bit-since-tenth-grade artwork style on an upcoming video game cover I illustrated this year – hopefully there’ll be more to say about that soon!) 😆

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