My Geeky Valentine

A combination of insomnia, and my lamentation that I hadn’t found a valentine for my wife that wasn’t typical utterly sappy crap, led to this fun experiment. Click on the images for marginally larger versions, and feel free to print them out and give them to a geek you love!

Geeky Valentines

Geeky Valentines

Geeky Valentines

Geeky Valentines

Geeky Valentines

Geeky Valentines

Geeky Valentines

Geeky Valentines

The ground rules for this latest zen art project: all of the original untreated images were photos I had taken (most of these are – you guessed it – action figures or models or somesuch, fittingly enough), and the text had to be at least a little bit saucy, though in a couple of cases I think I may have gotten creepy with it. 😆 Hopefully everyone will take it all in the humor that was intended.

Enjoy, pass it around, and let me know what you think!

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