
vworp... vworp... vworp...You want to read almost 7% of VWORP!1 for free before taking the plunge?

VWORP!1 Sampler – 2.56mb PDF file

I’ll be looking over a new proof copy in the next couple of days, and provided it hasn’t been randomly rearranged by some algorithm designed to “correct” my carefully-arranged layout, I’ll pull the trigger and make it available to order.

For a variety of reasons, I’ve opted to use Createspace, which is part of Amazon and therefore is automatically available on and, rather than Believe it or not, this’ll actually make it cheaper for you; in the meantime, I just have to deal with the automatic document check system on Createspace trying to “correct” a layout that I actually thought out pretty thoroughly, thankyouverymuch.

Keep watching the big book cover link to the left…

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