To: Sci-Fi Channel, re: Doctor Who cliffhanger promo

Way to go on BLOWING EVERY POSSIBLE BLOODY SURPRISE FOR NEXT WEEK for those who haven’t seen it yet.

Good God, does no one know how to write and edit promos anymore!?

I think I’ll let Mr. Davison say it for me here:
The Flip-Off Of Time

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    Wait..what were you talking about? Um…oh yes… Sci-Fi channel.

    That’s for the warning. I was out tonight watching the Dark Knight movie and Doctor Who went on tape during my absence. I’ll make a mental note to fast forward through next weeks preview (however I already Wiki’d the episodes a couple weeks ago and I think I already know what’s going to happen).

    Mr. Flibble begged me to kidnap him, bind his legs and flippers (wings?) and hide him in a box until I actually watch the show. That’s because he has no discipline and will watch it all in my absence, including the preview. “OK” I said. “I have no problem tying you up and inflicting pain on you. You did say you wanted the pain, right?”


    “Good, I’m glad you agree. Pain is good for you. It cleanses your soul. It might be a couple days before I actually watch the show. Can I tie you up now? Say yes, please.”

    Man, I think the Joker is rubbing off on me. That’s supposed to be bad, right?

  2. 3

    Really? Dang. I was hoping to do the pencil disappearing trick but not on Mr. Flibble. Maybe Mr. Flibble’s duck friend would be interested.

    “Ben? You wanna see something really cool?”

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