
A tangent in pixels

I really should be asleep, but a stray muse got hold of me, held me at gunpoint, and forced me to cook this up:

A test of Donkey Kong's mettle

It’s the same basic piece that you can find here free of charge; the giant pixellated graphics are the same basic ones I used in a menu on theLogBook in early October. The photos are all mine, either from my own collection (the tabletop) or from various and sundry run-ins with various machines at various venues (CGE, OVGE, 1984, etc.). Why I have it laid out for an ink-eating print/e-book layout, I have no idea. Really. It’s not like I’m suddenly jonesing to turn Phosphor Dot Fossils into a book. (Not that it’s a completely bad idea, mind you.) It’s not like I don’t have a zillion other projects I need to be working on, not least of which is being Mr. Mom.

Like I said, stray muse. Hey, at least she didn’t drag me into a craptastic movie (with a fantastic soundtrack) about opening a roller disco rink.… Read more