Payback’s a bitch, ain’t it?

Some time earlier this year, taking my morning bath became a strictly solitary activity. I’d gotten used to Othello and Olivia coming and sitting on the rim of the tub and watching me without incident. The magnificent klutz that we know as Oberon changed all that one morning when he pushed Olivia into my bathwater (while I was in it). I caught her so she didn’t get more than her paws wet, but apparently she didn’t forget. I was drawing a bath this morning, turned my back for a few moments, and then heard a colossal SPLOOSH! that sent water almost to the ceiling, and saw a furry streak running out of my bathroom.

And then I saw this:
Oberon drying off

Poor Oberon! Looks like he’s gone swimming. I helped him dry off.

Oberon drying off as Olivia flees the scene
Olivia fled the scene immediately and was unavailable for comment.

Looks like karma slaps cats on the ass too. 😆

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